nth remake of 'what miniseries should i watch now' - mad men fans dont bother posting

I actually really liked John from Cincinnati, another HBO miniseries that they cancelled. Basically some dude gets beat up and robbed and then becomes another "person" who may or may not be God but somehow heals all of the trauma in those around him. Very poetic and slow. Character-oriented.
I can't believe this guy hasn't seen The Pacific

and he's still posting here instead of watching it RIGHT NOW

it's Band Of Brothers season 2, basically, and it's fucking awesome
oh yeah Game of Thrones

fucking killer series

i was a big fan of asoif. ive finished every one in a few weeks after their release, since the 3rd book. wouldnt miss it. and i put it in that list under 'got'

Game of Thrones

You sound like a phaggot

saw all 6 sopranos. good show, somewhat overrated.


i never take anyones network recommendations seriously. every episodic network tv show i see is bad. ill give each 1 ep. if this shit turns out to be like Monk or Bones or CSI im coming for you.

p.s. time heals all wounds but 12 years later and i still think youre a faggot for o sniping rollercoaster in pubs.