NS Competition: Anyone Interested?


Veteran X
Me and a few ex red death ( kigga, hazard [ :[]:, not GBD ], possibly others ) are considering forming a NS team & competing. If you haven't already tried natural selection ( www.natural-selection.org ; it's a free mod for half-life ; half-life is about $15 at half.com if you are looking for it ) I would highly recommend it - it is the only thing since tribes to really capture my attention as an intelligent team game worth playing. The game relies a lot on individual skill, but relies even more on team skill. It's pretty difficult for a team to function competently without a high level of both. So if you haven't tried it, give it a whirl at least - and be patient, it takes some learning & getting used to like any other game, but the curve is no where near tribes' curve.

That said, if anyone is a vet of tribes competition ( preferably t1, but t2 too I guess ) and would be interested in joining our NS team, please shoot us an e-mail at < reddeathinbox@hotmail.com >. If you haven't played NS very much, and you're still getting used to it, I really don't care - I want smart players who are friendly, regardless of current NS skill level. I care more about the level of experience you've had in competitive gaming; basic knowledge/love of competitive gaming is a must. We were extremely tight-knit in the past, and I'm looking to create the same atmosphere.
If you write, please let me know (if I don't) who you are, what/who you played with in tribes, what you play in NS, and a small tribes demo would be a ++. We tend to be a very easy-going group of people, but get pretty serious when it comes to competing. The earliest we would be getting something organized is by the 14th or so, since it's going to be finals week.
We're considering CAL, so if you want an overview of their rules drop by their league page.
I usually don't like publicly recruiting ever, and we generally had a policy of taking in only people that we had a decent amount of knowledge of - but there is a pretty concentrated & talented source for intelligent team players here - not to mention that the community is tight-knight enough so that most of us aren't total strangers anyhow. Still, if you are interested and have no idea who I am, and I have no idea who you are, don't be shy - drop us an e-mail. I'm always in #red_death on tirc if you have any Q's.

c00l, i suspect to play every match no matter if im not there and also i will be a captain of the team and help make important stragety plans.
for isntance when we play, i will be commander and make sure our team gets maximum points.

torment you guys play on a particular server?

im not really interested in joining a "clan" or whatever but playing with some halfway competent people would be fun for a change...
Lately it's been Ep!k's server or -ns- VanCouver Lan (or whatever.. bleh)

I just post the ip in my away msg on aim, pm me if you want SN, since we tend to jump right now