[nooooob] How do you make your gold?


Veteran X
I've been playing very, very casually for the past month or so and just recently, two of my real life friends decided to pick up the game once again for fun. We plan on rolling on a new server with no access to other character's gold.

Even when I was raiding and playing more often, I was never into farming and acquiring large sums of gold. At 80 on my Paladin, I just did the Hodir dailies and sold some mining mats (ore, gems, whatever) until I eventually switched my professions.

So, how have you/would you go about working up a nice gold-base if you're a new character, say a Death Knight as two of us plan on rolling, with no maxed professions and no epic flyer as of yet?
Leveling my rogue from 1-80 was a net of about 7k-8k gold.

If you store all greens or have a friend that's an enchanter and DE everything to sell, it's probably 2x as much.
Don't have access to an enchanter friend, but yeah, that's a good idea - I'm sure I could just find one.

My Death Knight is currently level 78 and I've made probably 4500g going from 55-78. I've been selling all my greens up to this point (probably should of been saving then DEing, forgot all about that as I wasn't wasting time, just working on leveling whenever I had some time to play) and have spent a good amount of gold on grabbing all the new spell ranks. At 77, I grabbed 225 riding, Cold Weather Flying, and the DK ebon flying mount (800g + 1000g + 950g) and now I'm back to square one it seems.

I only posted this thread because it seems I'm stuck when I know it's not like that because gold was/is so easy to make. I'm just looking for the easiest way to make gold, I guess. I have no epic flyer so that'll probably slow me down until I reach the 5k mark once again.

Thanks again for any tips.
Er, 7-8k gold from 1-80? How, exactly? 1k MAYBE from 1-60, 2k-ish from 60-70, another 2k-ish from 70-80. Then subtract a total of 2k spent for flying training (not epic). Even if you're an enchanter and de and sell all your mats, you'd only get around 2k more - plus, you need most of those mats to level your skill.
Yeah I second the w-t-f how call on these amazing cash making numbers. 1k from 1-60??? AHing everything possible my rogue has about 1500g at 76, and my DK ended up at about 1500g at 80 with CW flying and the mount.
Go with Mining + Skinning while you level. Skin everything you kill, mine every node you see. Sell everything you gather.

The low level ores (on Archimonde) go for a ridiculous amount because of all the 80s trying to power level Jewelcrafting, Blacksmithing, or Engineering.

Same could be said for picking Herbalism + Skinning.
Go with Mining + Skinning while you level. Skin everything you kill, mine every node you see. Sell everything you gather.

I figured I'd probably have to go back and pick up Mining and level it as much as I hate to do that.

Thanks for the replies thus far. Any other ideas that don't involve leveling a gathering profession per say? Probably unlikely, ugh.

I DE JC rings and sell the dust. I also do dailies. I like achievements so working through old world and bc content gives some greens and cloth to sell. Also have some quests left in IC to finish for gold. When I hit 80 I had SB, IC, and SP left untouched so those quests brought in some nice money. Unless I have a specific objective like rep or mats for an item I don't farm anything.
Hit 80. Go out and do the jousting quests in icecrown. Do the daily quests everyday until you work through every faction. Once you get to champion level and unlock the second set of daily quests it is pretty good money. Most of the quests overlap and you can get them done in 30 min or so. 4 of them pay 13g + a 10 g bag, the other 6 you can do are 13g a piece I think. So 130g for 30 min of running around is not so bad for brain dead play. I have 50k gold and I made most of it from dailys in sunwell (pre wotlk when they were crazy pay) and farming ore/plants.
After reading around the WoW Forums and some other sites, as well as theese replies, I think the best way to make some fast gold once you hit 80 is quest all of Icecrown and Storm Peaks.
Er, 7-8k gold from 1-80? How, exactly? 1k MAYBE from 1-60, 2k-ish from 60-70, another 2k-ish from 70-80. Then subtract a total of 2k spent for flying training (not epic). Even if you're an enchanter and de and sell all your mats, you'd only get around 2k more - plus, you need most of those mats to level your skill.

Yeah I second the w-t-f how call on these amazing cash making numbers. 1k from 1-60??? AHing everything possible my rogue has about 1500g at 76, and my DK ended up at about 1500g at 80 with CW flying and the mount.

RAF leveling through instances
Haven't bought flying on my rogue
I used my war to run him through quests and instances from 1-80, selling all greens/blues/etc. and in total ended up at about 7k for the entire run.

Just hit 80 last night w/ 3 days 20 hrs played
Hit 80. Go out and do the jousting quests in icecrown. Do the daily quests everyday until you work through every faction. Once you get to champion level and unlock the second set of daily quests it is pretty good money. Most of the quests overlap and you can get them done in 30 min or so. 4 of them pay 13g + a 10 g bag, the other 6 you can do are 13g a piece I think. So 130g for 30 min of running around is not so bad for brain dead play. I have 50k gold and I made most of it from dailys in sunwell (pre wotlk when they were crazy pay) and farming ore/plants.

Is that at the champion level? I'm about halfway through the Valiant (or whatever the middle level is).

Also, since i haven't made it yet, to unlock the champions level, do you need to do the same thing (get a bunch together, then turn in the quest) or once you're done with the second set of quests (first is 15, second is 25 tokens), it unlocks for you?
RAF leveling through instances
Haven't bought flying on my rogue
I used my war to run him through quests and instances from 1-80, selling all greens/blues/etc. and in total ended up at about 7k for the entire run.

Just hit 80 last night w/ 3 days 20 hrs played

did you level through instances in the outland too? i'm about to hit 60 on my shaman through raf leveling. with all the gold i've spent training (no professions) i'm pretty much breaking even so far. but i'm also saving up all the cloth that drops for my other alts i plan on raf leveling, so once that happens, and i sell all that, i'd probably make a bit of gold.

You making most of that money from 50-70 in instances?
Also, since i haven't made it yet, to unlock the champions level, do you need to do the same thing (get a bunch together, then turn in the quest) or once you're done with the second set of quests (first is 15, second is 25 tokens), it unlocks for you?
You do the Valiant quests, get the tokens, turn them in. That unlocks the Champion quests. You do the Champion quests, get the tokens, turn them in, then fight a guy. You're then a Champion for that faction.

Then you pick another faction and repeat the cycle and keep doing that until you're a Champion with all five factions. After that there are no more Valiant quests, but you can still do the Champion dailies for writs or purses.

The Argent Tournament is the easiest way to get the "Ambassador", "Crusader", and all the "of <faction>" titles.
You do the Valiant quests, get the tokens, turn them in. That unlocks the Champion quests. You do the Champion quests, get the tokens, turn them in, then fight a guy. You're then a Champion for that faction.

Then you pick another faction and repeat the cycle and keep doing that until you're a Champion with all five factions. After that there are no more Valiant quests, but you can still do the Champion dailies for writs or purses.

The Argent Tournament is the easiest way to get the "Ambassador", "Crusader", and all the "of <faction>" titles.

ok. but you can choose to save the champion tokens you get from championing your first city to buy items before you go on to champion other cities, correct?
1. Take any two combination of Skinning, Mining, or Herbalism.
2. Make a bank alt ie. make a shitty level 1 and run them to the nearest city.
3. As you play use your gathering skills, saving all the leather, metal, or herbs you find.
4. End of the night mail all of your gatherings plus any greens to your bank alt along with a bit of coin.
5. Log onto bank alt, pull your stuff out of the mailbox and throw it on the AH.
6. Whenever your main needs gold, log on the bank alt and mail it over.

Thsis system saves time in hearthing/running back to a city to put your stuff on AH so you can spend it leveling and gathering instead. Also if the bank alt keeps all the gold you're less inclined to spend it on stupid shit like low-level blues and purples.

What leather lacks in quality (you make more for herbs and metal of the same quantity and quality) makes up in sheer quantity. There's many more opportunities to gather more leather.

ok. but you can choose to save the champion tokens you get from championing your first city to buy items before you go on to champion other cities, correct?

As fair warning you shouldn't pick up writs until you need them, and that means waiting until you are champion of all five factions. Reason is every champion and valiant quest completed will secretly give you all five faction rep on top of what you usually get. I was unaware of this and started to take writs on my first champion quest wave. By the time I was Champion of two factions I had reached exalted with all five and had 18 writs sitting there rotting. Besides the purse sometimes have a chance to have an additional seal in them.

So once you are a champion just keep taking the purses, if you're not exalted by the time you are Champion with all five then you can start taking writs.
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Er, 7-8k gold from 1-80? How, exactly? 1k MAYBE from 1-60, 2k-ish from 60-70, another 2k-ish from 70-80. Then subtract a total of 2k spent for flying training (not epic). Even if you're an enchanter and de and sell all your mats, you'd only get around 2k more - plus, you need most of those mats to level your skill.
I've gone 70-80 4 times now and have easily made AT LEAST 4k. That's just quest rewards (probably about 4-5 zones cleared) and vendoring greens. When my enchanter leveled 70-80 I DE'd and kept the mats without AHing them and still made a good amount. Obviously this is all before Northrend epic training etc.

old world content actually rewards pretty well. me and two buddies go and do magtheridon every week. about 20-30 minutes and we make about 170g each. onyxia is still decent if you can solo it, i think (haven't solo'd it since 70). i go into zg every reset to try for the mounts, and the bosses in there each drop 25-30g. dailies are also really good

finishing the quests in zones in northrend after you hit 80 will net you a bunch of gold though, like someone said
ok. but you can choose to save the champion tokens you get from championing your first city to buy items before you go on to champion other cities, correct?
Those are Champion's Seals, and you can save up as many as you want and buy from any faction's quartermaster you're a Champion with. Every faction sells the Argent Hippogryph and their faction's weapons, armor, and vanity pet.