nofix up to his old tricks again.


Veteran X
It seems like nofix is up to his old faggotry. I was just on Nutz comp west and he was playing there. About half way into WL he says: "Say bye. Bye. Here we go." Then the server crashed. =[
Asura said:
i must have missed nofix's reign of terror. he didnt seem so bad on IRC.
He's usually not, because he can't do jack shit on IRC.

Tribes servers are his playground. And he acts like a spoiled little baby...
You know... under new Federal laws he could be prosecuted pretty hardcore.

The problem is finding someone with the time and bucks to prosecute. Then server admins would have to work together to compile enough information on him. But it wouldn't be that difficult. I used to packet sniff my server when he would come by and had tons of data on quite a few of his attacks.

Just have a lawyer file a lawsuit at a local court, subpeona his ISP and have a process server appear at his door. He would have to appear at the court in the city it is filed or hire a local lawyer to represent him.

And I think, what with the way things are right now, if it turns out that he's using zombies to conduct his DoS, the Feds would become quite interested.
nspectre said:
You know... under new Federal laws he could be prosecuted pretty hardcore.

The problem is finding someone with the time and bucks to prosecute. Then server admins would have to work together to compile enough information on him. But it wouldn't be that difficult. I used to packet sniff my server when he would come by and had tons of data on quite a few of his attacks.

Just have a lawyer file a lawsuit at a local court, subpeona his ISP and have a process server appear at his door. He would have to appear at the court in the city it is filed or hire a local lawyer to represent him.

And I think, what with the way things are right now, if it turns out that he's using zombies to conduct his DoS, the Feds would become quite interested.
:lol: So true.
I'm pretty sure he's just exploiting some core game/network code. It's not really a DDoS in the usual sense, and he can do it entirely from one PC.