No Laurie For Me (NLFM)

changes 2 female armor in 1.2:

Light female can now carry 30 plasma charges
Medium female can now carry 40 plasma charges
Light female now takes the same amount of blaster damage
Just because it wasn't mentioned in the patch notes doesn't mean it wasn't patched.

boxWidth = 0.5;
boxDepth = 0.5;
boxNormalHeight = 2.2;
boxCrouchHeight = 1.8;

boxWidth = 0.5;
boxDepth = 0.5;
boxNormalHeight = 2.0;
boxCrouchHeight = 1.58;
That was actually the pre release beta, but the 1.0 release has the same code. I need to track that down in my code heap to verify.

A lot of mods were built on 1.0 and modders didn't bother to update the box sizes later, so the differences were mainly in mods.
GTA V update, got the Speedo Van and put the 50 cal on top.

It's funny how things get easier the more you play. For example, when I started out, sell missions were hard because I was getting attacked and had to drive a lot. Now I have an armored vehicle and I can fly across the map to the starting point. I have a nightclub that makes cash without me doing anything. Every 48 minutes the safe fills up. This is why others are making YT videos of speed runs, or they start the game over and see how fast they can make money.

Dating update. This video is really good and explains what is happening today. Talks about women getting college degrees, can't find a man because they want someone better (hypergamy).

I wish I had know all this back in the day. I would have walked up to pretty girls and said, "Chad is going to pump and dump you, I won't." That's basically what I did in my profile by saying I had No Debt. But it didn't work because women only swipe right on 4% of men, and they didn't even see my profile. That's ok, I've found a great GF and we're coming up on 2 years. The hot looking chicks eventually go out with a "good guy" but they still want Chad, so they dump the good guy. Not only that, the women have a bunch of rules for the good guy but not for Chad, who wants to spread his seed with many girls, so he pumps and dumps. That's the problem, the system doesn't won't educate women about this, and the USA and Germany is fine with letting everyone in to keep the population up. It's the bitches fault for wanted the top men based on looks and money and ignore good guys. If you know all this, then you can play the system, which is what men are doing by not getting married.

Men, concentrate on yourself and have fun. I play GTA V sitting next to my GF while we watch brain dead TV shows, watch hockey, play in 2 bands, go see drag races once a year, go on vacations, get buzzed if I want, she'll drive the car if we're out, and it's all good.
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NGFM, please start a twitch stream. You will be an overnight viral success, bro. Especially if you give us dating/women advice while playing the games.
Men, concentrate on yourself and have fun. I play GTA V sitting next to my GF while we watch brain dead TV shows, watch hockey, play in 2 bands, go see drag races once a year, go on vacations, get buzzed if I want, she'll drive the car if we're out, and it's all good.

Yeah, Canada
I wish I had know all this back in the day. I would have walked up to pretty girls and said, "Chad is going to pump and dump you, I won't." That's basically what I did in my profile by saying I had No Debt. But it didn't work because women only swipe right on 4% of men, and they didn't even see my profile. That's ok, I've found a great GF and we're coming up on 2 years. The hot looking chicks eventually go out with a "good guy" but they still want Chad, so they dump the good guy. Not only that, the women have a bunch of rules for the good guy but not for Chad, who wants to spread his seed with many girls, so he pumps and dumps. That's the problem, the system doesn't won't educate women about this, and the USA and Germany is fine with letting everyone in to keep the population up. It's the bitches fault for wanted the top men based on looks and money and ignore good guys. If you know all this, then you can play the system, which is what men are doing by not getting married.

Men, concentrate on yourself and have fun. I play GTA V sitting next to my GF while we watch brain dead TV shows, watch hockey, play in 2 bands, go see drag races once a year, go on vacations, get buzzed if I want, she'll drive the car if we're out, and it's all good.

Played a gig on Valentines Day in front of an estimated crowd of 7k. This was with the Chicago Tribute. The crowd loved it, they were dancing and cheering to every song. A radio station in WPB sponsored the event and advertised our band on the radio. Everyone showed up because it's the biggest crowd we've ever played for.

GTA V update. Tried the Cayo Perico heist again. It's harder the 2nd time around. I couldn't do it, the guards were alerted and that was it. Bought the arcade and set up that business. The arcade leads to the Diamond Casino heist. I set up my warehouse under the arcade and did a prep mission.

It would be very boring if I was streaming this stuff, because I usually have to do it a couple times before I get it. Then I'm flying back and forth to my nightclub to empty the safe and do side missions to keep the popularity up. Those missions are easy, but take a long time because of long drives.

Edit: They've added even more side missions with Stash Houses, G's Cash, and Store Heists.
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100% spot on. Explains how getting married ruins everything. What he talks about happened to me and my friends.

The GF and I have been together for almost 2 years and things are great. She knows we're not getting marriage and she's good with it. Besides having a kid in your name, there's no reason to get married. Who cares if the kid is born out of wedlock? Blats do it all the time because the mother has kids from different fathers.
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Look @ the thumbnail, the dood is giving his lady 15 dutch ovens every nite and wants 2 talk about intimacy issues
"hey girl, after I'm done putting u thru my bedroom holocaust fart chamber we can sleep ass to ass and maybe do some of that back and forth forever"
100% spot on. Explains how getting married ruins everything. What he talks about happened to me and my friends.

The GF and I have been together for almost 2 years and things are great. She knows we're not getting marriage and she's good with it. Besides having a kid in your name, there's no reason to get married. Who cares if the kid is born out of wedlock? Blats do it all the time because the mother has kids from different fathers.

Why do you want to race to the bottom with the low lifes of society?
This is a positive video, tells what makes men happy. Doing things with hands, wood working, construction, not the women.
For example, Bo Jackson would make arrows for archery. He would spend hours in his basement working on them.

Once again, focus on what makes you happy.
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