nm u?

Oktane said:
I dont mind a little shorthand but "R" and "U" really annoy the piss out of me. I mean, they're three-letter words for christs sake...does typing out "are" and "you" really slow these people down that much?
I'm in total agreement with you. Also the usage of "y" is annoying. Oh well, nothing much you can do about it. People will type as little as they like.
i use "u" instead of "you" and now it's become a habit for me, but i don't use "y" or "r" ... thumbs up?
yes, aka
The thing that gets me about "Y" is that some people use it for "why" and some people use it for "yes" so sometimes you can't tell for certain wtf they are saying.

"are you going tonight?"


"because, I think it will be fun"

"I said y..."

"and I said, because I think it will be fun..."

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FireStorm! said:
o so i landed somewhere in u and LOD's area then?>?

okay so let's see.

me/lod = dating so obviously straight

you = can't ask out a girl because you're afraid.

so who's gay ?

edit: don't play with fire :p