[Niggers] I got shot at tonight.


Veteran XV
Was at a bar with family and friends for a birthday party. A buddy went outside to smoke, I followed him out to talk to hang out with him. My cousin and brother saw me leave out the back door, they thought I was going out for a fight. They followed me out. Four of us outside talking and smoking.

Two niggers 16 years old walk up and ask us for a light. My cousin sticks out his lighter. The nigger pulls out a gun with a laser sight on it. tells us he wants our shit.

I stick out my hand with 30 cents in it. The friend stepped forward and started talking shit. The nigger pulled the trigger. Buddy looked down at his stomach.

The two niggers take off running. They turn around and fire again. The friend still standing there starts chasing them.

That was when we realized two niggers tried to rob us with blanks.

Cops come, buddy has a gnarly blood blister on his stomach from the cap. The gun-nigger was arrested. Much drama after that.

Got a gun pulled on me.
Friend steps up, nigger pulls trigger.
Nigger has blanks.
its only racism if races are equal... is it racist that chimps have less rights than humans?
So, to be clear, you're telling us how one of your dumbass friends nearly earned himself a darwin award courtesy of an even dumber nig who was willing to ruin his life for pocket change?

You have some pretty stupid friends.

"Nigger" points gun at you. Perfect time to step back and talk shit.