[NHL] Habz vs B'z game 7

so where's rooster to explain to me why the habs were too small to win this series

that they'd be dead by game 5

go habs go!!

fuck man, part of me was hoping to shave tonight... the playoff beard grows on!
bring on tampa baby
Why didn't the bruins just slash that little porteguese slut in the face before it was over? Should have shattered every bone in that pussies face.
Well, that was definitely one of the better games of the series. Boston actually outplayed Montreal. (Shocker)

Enjoy it Hab fans, your team has huge heart to come back like that.

Good luck Montreal against The Lightning!
you can pretty much kiss the bruins goodbye

the owner already has expressed displeasure with them in the past... and with so many players with no contract next year... i think you can kiss that team goodbye... rebuild around raycroft
The team that played better lost a couple of the games in this series. Tonight, it was the Bruins. When Boston picked up Sergei Gonchar they knew he was a defensive liability. As it turned out, his defensive brain fart left Zednik alone in the slot for the easy dunk of the whole Bruin season.
Pagy said:
you can pretty much kiss the bruins goodbye

the owner already has expressed displeasure with them in the past... and with so many players with no contract next year... i think you can kiss that team goodbye... rebuild around raycroft
I don't think this even comes close to summing up what this loss is going to do with hockey in Boston.

This team has been the 4th team in town over the last 5 years, in spite of some relative success. No buzz. Nobody cared, because the ownership was consistently fucking them over. Then this year they pick up Gonchar and Nylander and suddenly people became emotionally invested in the team. They started grabbing headlines again, people watching them again.

Now, with the impending stoppage, they're going to disappear here. Jacobs is ridiculously stingy with his money, and seeing how spending didn't help, he's likely to stop doing that. He only did it this year because he knew he wouldn't be paying them next year. The increased popularity only meant more people saw this embarassing loss to Montreal, and when some players walk whenever this team resumes playing, nobody is going to care.

I'd honestly say that Zednik's goal was the death knell of Boston hockey for at least the next 5 years, unless something odd happens this offseason.
Pagy said:
you can pretty much kiss the bruins goodbye

the owner already has expressed displeasure with them in the past... and with so many players with no contract next year... i think you can kiss that team goodbye... rebuild around raycroft

Ya, I'm pretty worried about this... they only have a few players under contract because of the upcoming CBA. They've got a lot of talent, and Bergeron and Raycroft should only continue to improve as they get older.

I'm really interested in hearing what Thornton's injury was. If it was bruised ribs, how long do they usually take to heal? Does that kind of injury usually sideline a player?
Bromus said:
If it was bruised ribs, how long do they usually take to heal? Does that kind of injury usually sideline a player?

Speaking as someone who has had bruised ribs, it's an insidious injury. You can't really take slap shots at all, and every hit hurts them a bit more. Heck even laughing or sneezing or coughing makes it hurt. Then, a few weeks after they start to feel better, you reinjure them again just by taking a shot.

It might not instantly sideline you but if you continue to play, it will continue to stay with you.
could be the death of HOCKEY as you know it..
No one knows whats going to happen next season.. :eek:

Fucking eat it.. God, it felt so good to do that to Boston again.. I HATE BOSTON...
mojotooth said:
That's awfully gloom/doom Twiz.
I don't think I can put into words how irrelevant the Bruins have been in Boston over the last 5 years. They have their hardcore fans, no doubt, but I haven't seen the entire city caring about their games as long as I've lived in Boston (4th year) like this year. But this ownership will not do this again, it can almost be guaranteed. Especially considering the Celtics are trying to move out of the Fleetcenter. The Celtics play in the Fleetcenter for free, and all the concessions go to the Bruins, who own the building. If Jacobs loses that revenue, he's likely to tighten the purse even more, which would lead to the inevitable attrition of the Bruins.

The Red Sox are Gospel here, and the Patriots don't trail by much. The Celtics, once the favorite around here, are a distant 3rd, but as bad as they've been, they're still more popular than the Bruins. Maybe it sounds gloom/doom, but there's just no room for the Bruins here, especially after 3 first round exits.
mojotooth said:
That's awfully gloom/doom Twiz.

I'm not from Boston but I kinda agree with him. I mean, the fans were pathetic tonight. It seems like nobody cares about hockey in Beantown. The B's must honestly wonder what they're playing for when they come home to empty seats in a game 7.

Here in Toronto, the fans are like the Hab fans, they're crazy in love with their team.
i dont blame thornton for playing hurt

i blame the coach for not having the sack to sit him down due to his poor play with the injury

he played way too many minutes
Hockey is on the decline in the states..

Stop thinking like that, though... It's depressing.. :p I don't think like that about the Expos.. That says a lot as far as i'm concerned...

No one cares about the bruins 'cause they don't do much of anything .. ever ... ;)