News: And the beta previews come in..

LouCypher said:
I fucking hate seeing pics of a closed beta I'm not in. I hope all participants get a virus while I'm playing Enemy Territory and grumbling over screenshots.

Ya, im kinda pissed I didn't get in.
Even the IGN guy didn't like the IFF's.

SEE, this should be a sign. NOONE playing the Beta likes the IFF"s.. change back to red/green, your focus group has spoken. Stop being stubborn IG.
KillerONE said:
Even the IGN guy didn't like the IFF's.

SEE, this should be a sign. NOONE playing the Beta likes the IFF"s.. change back to red/green, your focus group has spoken. Stop being stubborn IG.

TechnoDonut said:
What the hell? Is this game being geared toward 5 year olds?
No, it's being geared toward the newbies... notice how the IGN guy states the game is complex... (I agree with you btw).
Much like the targetting laser issue, I'm going to have to agree with the complaints surrounding IFF change. I need my green IFFs, and I'll only get to shoot at red ones when I'm up against the BE. Not that I don't LOVE killing the Beagles...
Data said:
Much like the targetting laser issue, I'm going to have to agree with the complaints surrounding IFF change. I need my green IFFs, and I'll only get to shoot at red ones when I'm up against the BE. Not that I don't LOVE killing the Beagles...

Seriously. There's times to re-invent, and there's times to stick with what works. IG needs a refresher in this, apparently.

Red and green IFF's
target laser
mines that damage teammates
TechnoDonut said:
Seriously. There's times to re-invent, and there's times to stick with what works. IG needs a refresher in this, apparently.

Red and green IFF's
target laser
mines that damage teammates

Those are probably the least of the things they screwed with.
KillerONE said:
Even the IGN guy didn't like the IFF's.

SEE, this should be a sign. NOONE playing the Beta likes the IFF"s.. change back to red/green, your focus group has spoken. Stop being stubborn IG.

TechnoDonut said:
Seriously. There's times to re-invent, and there's times to stick with what works. IG needs a refresher in this, apparently.

Red and green IFF's
target laser
mines that damage teammates
There is nothing to reinvent. Tribes 1 did that almost 6 years ago with the red/green IFF's.

Btw mines will damage teammates, they just won't get set off by them.
vawlk said:
Ya, im kinda pissed I didn't get in.

man i just deleted this post so as to bite my tounge on this issue... but upon checking GD i had to go ahead and post anyway

this shit has been going on since the first TWC...

the next verse is when the ppl that are allowed to play the beta start turning on the irrational team

if you are smart Thrax you will put a gag order on the beta testers that come from the community... they WILL burn you because it isn't T1... nor is it anything LIKE T1... at this point it's not even similar to T1

You guys have put way too much work and effort into this to let the crybabies ruin it for all of us... I can see by the SS's that you have let at least one person whine his way into beta... I thought more of the beta selection process than that.. but w/e
Feannag said:
They make it sound like it's a bad thing...
If the only thing they could find wrong with it (worth mentioning) was that it was extremely complex, it must kick huge bucketloads of ass.

Complexity is a good thing in this franchise.
At least some of the people that made it in are people I know will have good input as to what should be changed. :) Only a few days before playing anyway. :D