[New PC]


Veteran XV
So my PCs slowly biting the dust, figure it's time to upgrade anyways.

Saw a deal on tigerdirect (live in canada) for:
Gigabyte AMD 760 Motherboard
AMD Athlon II X4 640 Quad Core CPU
Gelid Solutions Siberian CPU Cooler
2x Corsair XMS3 4GB DDR3 RAM
EVGA Geforce GTX 650 1GB GDDR5 Vid Card
Samsung 22x internal DVDRW
Diablotek PSU + Tower
$299 Canadian

Don't know anything about the quality of those parts, so is it worth it? Basically just want something that'll run Guildwars II fine, as the rest of my gaming I do on my Xbox/PS3. Also, how much of an upgrade would that be from what I'm on now?

Current Rig:
Gigabyte EP35-DS3L Motherboard
2x Corsair DDR3 2GB RAM
Intel Core2 Duo E8400 3Ghz Processor
Nvidia GeForce 9800 GTX+

Or am I better off waiting for the Black Friday Deals and doing an order from the states and having it shipped up here to canadia?

Thanks for any help!
yeah true. too much money for one game.

load debian linux on your pos desktop you have now

and then open up the terminal and type:

sudo apt-get install prboom

free game and its DOOM
I'll need to upgrade and/or build a new computer regardless of GWII, but I figured I'd mention that, as the new PC will need to be able to run a game such as that smoothly, to give you guys a benchmark to compare to.

I've got no set budget, and wouldn't have a problem throwing $500-$800 at this new computer if doing so would ensure fewer problems down the road?

I've got a 1TB HD already, Windows 7 Ultimate, Monitor, heck, even my PSU is fairly new, though I don't know if it will be enough to run whatever the new rig might need? (I believe it's a 600W, would have to double check, might of been 500 or 550)
So my PCs slowly biting the dust, figure it's time to upgrade anyways.


something that'll run Guildwars II fine

Define "slowly biting the dust". Do you have a current hardware or software issue that is making your system run poorly?

Your current PC should run Guild Wars II acceptably. If you are trying to push 1080p with all the sliders push up, try upgrading your graphics card.
I just built a new one myself, snagged an AMD FX 8120 (8 core), an ASUS Sabertooth 990FX mainboard (fucking awesome btw), and thre 16GB of RAM into it. Loving this new system, nothing even phases it.
Define "slowly biting the dust". Do you have a current hardware or software issue that is making your system run poorly?

Your current PC should run Guild Wars II acceptably. If you are trying to push 1080p with all the sliders push up, try upgrading your graphics card.

Taking 5min to boot (made another thread about this earlier), I believe it's an issue with the motherboard. So I figure if I need to get a new motherboard, why not a new CPU, would like to have more than 4GB of ram, so I'd need to upgrade that, and then the vid card for GWII.
5 min boot time? run msconfig and take a look at all the crapware you're autoloading at boot.

you could probably fix that boot time with a format c: but yeah, gaming on that rig wouldn't be the best experience.

look at getting and SSD drive for your OS, 128gb but 256gb if you can afford it.