New CS:S Server


Veteran XV
Veteran XX
Hey TW, We've set up a regular server, here's the IP:

F.S.F Classic ""

Hope you enjoy your stay =]!

Also try our other two servers at:

F.S.F Gun Game |Turbo Mode| ""

F.S.F Gun Game #2 |Knife Pro | Sticky Nades| ""


If you play COD4, here are our servers as well...

F.S.F.Public|RANKED| ""

F.S.F.Customs ""

-Cya :)
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People still play CS:S?

Considering everyone cheats, I guess there are a few people around here who still play. That makes sense.
People still play CS:S?

Considering everyone cheats, I guess there are a few people around here who still play. That makes sense.

I still play - and the servers I'm most regularly on have very good admins who jump all over cheaters like flies on shit. (urban bushido)
People still play CS:S?

Considering everyone cheats, I guess there are a few people around here who still play. That makes sense.

Here we go again...

If you think cheating is rampant then you are bad at the game. 95% of the people that everyone screams "OMG H4X" about aren't actually cheating.
Here we go again...

If you think cheating is rampant then you are bad at the game. 95% of the people that everyone screams "OMG H4X" about aren't actually cheating.

annnnd there's that.
i got called a wallhacker the other day because I naded a guy in a predictable corner in cs_italy.. he was screaming all over the place until an admin kicked him.

here's the lesson: When you kill me 2 rounds in a row from the same nice hiding spot, I'm going to get you - especially if you try it again. i should have knifed him.
So who actually still plays? I tried playing the other night after a year of downtime and I'm completely horrible now.
I play regularly on The Elders.
I suck bad after spending half a year in nothing but GG pubs.
But I'm getting it back.
I love a bit of cs here and there. My KDR hit the floor after a month without playing though. I'll hit these servers up sometime
Cod4 has alot more hackers then cs:s right now... i went back too cs:s when they fix punkbuster for cod4 i might enjoy it again.
i get banned from servers all the time. just deal with the little kiddies or old adults that dont understand people are better than them.
PoonTangClan for the win.

Admins are always on to keep teams from being overly stacked. Lots of voice communication, cool peeps. Plus they have a no AWP server and I play on that because i'm a pussy.