[New Computer] Help Please

Currently I have a 2.8GHZ, 1000 RAM, Dell with an ATI Radeon x1950, around how much can I sell it for (in Canadian $)?

Then secondly, I have around $1,000 (Canadian) to invest in a new computer (which I'm gonna use purely for games)... what's the best computer I can build with that money / where should I buy from?


Edit: I don't need a new monitor or any of that stuff, just a new computer.
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.... $100 - $150 for the dell.

And you can build a good rig for $1000. Probably a decent monitor to.

I'm not going to be more help than that because you said "1000 RAM Dell Computer" so I assume any build will fail.

Any specific deals from either you can find that would actually be worth my money? (I'm not looking for any fancy monitors/mouse and keyboard/speakers/burners or anything... just a good computer to run my games)
There are lots of deals. Just read the reviews and compare prices with other sites. That's all I did when I built mine and it came out great.
No one pays for operating systems any more.

Just use windows 7 beta... then download the retail when it comes out ;)
Odio wins.

except for the overkill on the power supply and really tacky but probably not very functional or durable case

save yourself money on the power supply and go for a better case

the system set up you have over there doesn't draw more than 300w of power
except for the overkill on the power supply and really tacky but probably not very functional or durable case

save yourself money on the power supply and go for a better case

the system set up you have over there doesn't draw more than 300w of power

No keep the 700
He could get away with a 580w, but if I listed one TW would have ass raped me.
Also, RAIDMAX makes quality cases. I've had quite a few in the past and never felt like they were shitty.

Opting for a 4870 1GB over a GTX260 is also acceptable. I have a 4850 right now and can run almost everything at acceptable eye-candy settings. I don't know what kind of games you're in to, so I listed the card with the broader range of compatibility and better driver support.
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