[New Computer] Help me choose

Hey there, made a similar thread about this not too long ago asking people to help me build a computer, decided to say screw it and just buy a built computer instead of individual parts and putting them together.

My choices at the moment are:
Option 1
Option 2

Which would you recommend? Is that a decent deal for the price?

Feel free to rip on my computer knowledge all you want, I really don't care :)

Thanks for your help!
i would recommend not using tiger direct and switching to newegg.

Also, IBUY power is complete trash.
(and so is gateway)
you do realize that you can put together a new system yourself for under 1000 and have better results.

I do realize that, but I don't really have anyone to build the computer for me so I rather buy a prebuilt one. Also, I don't need an amazing machine to run some crazy programs, just some games at some pretty decent settings...

If Gateway and ibuypower are both absolute garbage I'd really appreciate it if you guys could help me find a better deal instead of rip on the ones I listed :)
I went direct through HP and got a system slightly better than option 2 for about the same price.

As shocking as it may seem to you not all of us can build computers, I'm more of an occasional gamer than a computer guy... I'm normally really busy during the week with work, college and friends so I only get to play every now and then (and when I do I would like my computer to be able to run current games which nowadays it can't).
It's very easy to learn how to build a computer...

It's way simpler than it used to be.

It's not like you have to manually program the 1s and 0s. The parts can be plugged into only one spot. Took me maybe an hour to build my first computer with no experience more than what I've read on TW.
If those were your only choices, get the newegg one. Every important spec is better. One thing to note, however, is that the newegg one doesn't come with an OS. You'll need to buy (or "buy") one separately. I'd recommend Vista 64 since it has 8GB of RAM.

With that said, ibuypower is known as being one big fucking scam of a company. You'd better make sure any problems are found within neweggs 30 day return policy or you're fucked.

Also, just build your own goddamn system. It's not difficult.
just google search, 'how to build a computer'

It's not like the websites are even in depth. Maybe 1 page of reading and you have an extra $300 in your pocket.

Are you that fucking lazy?
it's also better to build it yourself because you can get all the specific parts you want and know that every part is high-quality. most prefab builds will give you junk parts (like mobo or psu).
building a computer is like putting legos together anymore.

Shit I build rackmount servers and even that's easy as fuck.