New computer. Game help? COD question


Veteran X
So I just got a new computer.
PentiumD 3.2ghz, 2gig ram and radeon x1900 vid card with one of those wide screen 23" lcd's.

So ive been pretty bored the last few days so I started cleaning up my room and found my old call of duty and the expansion pack cds. Thing is I only can find the cd key for the expansion set. Is there somewhere I can enter my email address to recover my old cd key or something?

What kinda of games could I expect to run with this setup? I like shooting games so is a game like cod2, bf2 or fear worth picking up? I havent played video games in over 2 years so I dont know whats good... Could you recommend something?

Help me please, thanks :)
Same thing happened to me. I have cd's for several games but I don't have their cd keys anymore. I use to keep them in a super-secret file on my computer, but I lost that when I formatted.
That's a pretty fucking good system, though you should have gone AMD for gaming. Anywho, it will play just about anything. You could start with HL2+episode 1.
link_ said:
Same thing happened to me. I have cd's for several games but I don't have their cd keys anymore. I use to keep them in a super-secret file on my computer, but I lost that when I formatted.
I removed all the cd keys and put them in a book. I have no idea where that book is :(
Id like to get t2 on here again just for shit and giggles. Seems all the dl links are closed now...

So what games are good these days?
bf2 will run pretty well, athough it's not as demanding as FEAR. FEAR is short but it's reasonably fun to play with and very gpu intensive. Prey might be fun to mess around with if you liked the demo. Far Cry will run great on that rig and I think it's a good game too.