New comp problem


Veteran XV
Ok so I just put together my new comp with a Asus P4C800 Deluxe mobo and a P4 2.8ghz CPU, and when I power it up the fans turn on, and so does the power light on the case as well as the power light on the mobo. The monitor says "No signal" and thats about all that happens besides the lights and fans turning on. There are no beeps from the motherboard.

When I took the CPU out of the box, it had one bent pin that I pushed back into place, so I am somewhat suspicious of this being the problem. However, I think that if the CPU were bad, I would at least be able to get into the BIOS or hear some beeps or something.. not sure though.

The fact that there are no motherboard beeps also makes me wonder if there is enough power being supplied to the motherboard, but I have no idea how to determine whether there is or not.

Any ideas?
A bad CPU would NOT bring you to BIOS, as everything runs through the CPU. Its not called the Central Processing Unit for nothing.

But I agree with you on the power issue. You need to unplug all but the essential hardware and start troubleshooting from a naked system.
Hm, so it could be the CPU eh? I assumed that since the mobo manual said that there is a sequence of beeps for "No CPU installed" that meant that it would at least do something without a CPU.

Also, the PSU I'm using is a 420W supply, so unless its defective (which I suppose is possible) there should be plenty of power :/
Take over Video card and replug it in a make sure its in secure then check monitor cable and see if its in right.