Nerve damage blows [tw docs help!]


Veteran XX
So about 5 weeks ago, I wake up to what i thought was just my hand being asleep. 45 minutes roll by and it's still really not functional - I freak out go to the ER and eventually released with the diagnosis of a minor pinched nerve and that I should give it 4 or so weeks.

The only thing I can recall is that the night before, I was doing curls, and felt a shooting sensation, almost like a guitar or bass string being strummed in my forearm, so I stopped.

So I went to a neurologist today, and via an EMG pinpoints it essentially to my elbow, which is coincidentally popping (and has been - noticed a day or two after the original diagnosis.)

He then is having me see orthopedic doctors, to determine what is wrong with the nerve pathway, and say once it is fixed the recover time will be about 9 months.


Anyone ever deal with nerve damage before, this blows. I can't game - which enrages me - I just bought a 360 and PS3...

I'm looking for recommendations on:

gaming - I've been mousing left handed but have essentially not much motor control of my right fingers (which is odd, being a lefty, I do all pc activities right handed)

working out- I can do anything that puts any undo stress on my right elbow, or bend it to a 90 degree angle.

bitches- how can I use this to my advantage and pick me up some amputee hotties?


-fucking gay nerve damage pich in right elbow and can't move hand

-9 months or more of recovery time

-probable typos

-not aids
One guy I know slept on his right arm for 12h+ when drunk. It was numb and tingling for year or so. Then suddenly it snapped back when he was swimming. No idea if he went to see a doctor though, I didn't ask. Pretty sick.
I can't feel anything except for pinching on the outside of my left knee. If I pinch the skin a little - it hurts like a fucker.

Aside from that - if I scratch it or stick a pin in it I can't feel shit.
We handcuffed our roommate to his bed when he passed out one night (then raped him hurrrrr). Anyway when he woke up he started freaking out and pinched a nerve while thrashing. His thumb was numb for a few months but he got feeling back.
well get ready to be flushed through the system so that doctors and insurance companies can make as much money off you as humanly possible without providing a real cure what-so-ever

i'd look into eastern medicine, seriously