[NERDS]What is the best The Settlers of Catan expansion?


Veteran XV
My friends and I have been playing The Settlers of Catan board game for a couple of months and now are interested in the expansions. Is there one that is considered the best? The main thing we want is the added player support but have really no ideas on which one to get.
If you want added player support, get the base 5-6 player expansion. You'll need that if you want to use 5-6 players in any of the other expansions anyways.
settlers is great

longest road fuck yea

i havent tried any of the expansions are they worth it?
There's three expansions:

Cities and Knights really expands the base game with additional rules and things to compete over. I would probably get this first.

Seafarers adds extra tiles, a couple minor additional rules, and a bunch of fun scenarios. You can also combine it with Cities and Knights if you want even longer games.

Traders and Barbarians has rule variations and scenarios, including some for the expansions. I'd get this last.

Edit: Keep in mind, you need to also get the 5-6 player expansion for any of the expansion packs that you buy, in addition to the base 5-6 player expansion, if you want to use it with that many people.
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It's not an expansion but Starfarers of Catan is pretty fucking fun. I picked up a new copy for like 30$ a year or so ago.
Seafares is the shit. Knights is too complicated to play with most friends and I don't like it that much anyways. Never heard of the other.
obviously the player# expansion

i haven't played seafaring one... cities and knights was kind of rough the first time through but once you learn it i liked it a lot
Seafarers is probably the easiest to get into if you and your friends are comfortable with original settlers - it adds a few interesting twists and makes for interesting boards to play on. Games can be longer, but I wouldn't say they're much more complicated than vanilla settlers.

Cities & Knights will make the game far more complicated and involved. If you're looking for longer, more in depth games, go for this instead.
be a baller and get all of them...

also if you like this game i suggest carcasone...interesting little city building game with an non traditional "board"
I like Seafarers the best. Ignore the scenarios and just go for a totally random board. The extra ship rules and random board make games very different. Sometimes you get a big island like Catan with maybe one or two smaller islands, other times you get this crazy mess of small islands and it changes the game a great deal.

Cities and Knights was always too complicated for a lot of the people I play with and we like to squeeze 2-3 games of Catan into an evening. Seafarers fills that niche quite nicely...bit more complex than regular Catan, but easy enough that games don't take too long.
fuck that noise me and my crew strictly play magic the gathering.
