Need help

yea, buy a gun.

but moreover, contact the landlord. findout which apt they live in. call the landlord every fucking day, several times a day. eventually he'll evict them.

it works ;)

other than that, confront them. and bring your gun.

[edit] well fuck the landlord then, buy a gun or move :-\
Yeah, it just seems like a shitty situation. I am really just posting because I can't sleep with them out there yelling and there isn't much to do and this situation just really blows
This still doesn't make sense to me.

Who owns what?

You keep saying "the people" own the condo, but I don't get what you mean. Do you mean that they own their home? Well that's fine and dandy but the common areas are jointly owned and it seems to me that people can be barred from them if they don't respect the rules.
im gettin this gun. And im serious when i say that

RageX said:
yea, buy a gun.

but moreover, contact the landlord. findout which apt they live in. call the landlord every fucking day, several times a day. eventually he'll evict them.

it works ;)

other than that, confront them. and bring your gun.

They ARE their landlord. They own the condo

My landlord lives in iowa. But I know what you mean, my only legal leverage is breaking the lease. But the homeowners association cannot evict them because they do own the property they live in
Just to clarify things.

You really need to go talk to other neighbors in the area and see if they'll complain. If they do, then I don't see why these people can't be banned from the common areas or atleast be forced to comply with some curfew IN THE COMMON AREAS.
MST3K-rules said:
This still doesn't make sense to me.

Who owns what?

You keep saying "the people" own the condo, but I don't get what you mean. Do you mean that they own their home? Well that's fine and dandy but the common areas are jointly owned and it seems to me that people can be barred from them if they don't respect the rules.

It's condos, so each unit is individually owned. They own room 102, I lease room 216.

I agree, the common areas are jointly owned and according to the lawyer I talked to what they are doing is completely illegal.

The police disagree though and seem to think they are not loud or doing anything wrong. So they don't do anythign when they come out here and the loud people know it.
I have these retarded elderly people that live above me. The other day I was on my way out the door, and there they were, sitting on the stairs, drooling (their drool was steaming... cold day) in their fishnet tang tops and flipflops. They go into the bathrooms late at night and make DUR DUR DUR noises. They're a bit odd.

Next door there's some mechanic guy that throws boots out his door onto the yard. Boots and garbage in ziplock bags. He's got a gerry-curl. He puts a wool blanket over his car when it rains. He listens to nascar and skynrd really loud. I guess he's better than the tard geezerz.

Then there's this fat guy that only leaves his apartment wearing whitie-tightiez. I think he is an alcoholic, that or just odd.

Then there's me. No one bugs me, nor have they taken down my x-ray collection outside my door. I jsut recently took em down so the cold didn't screw them up. Who'd a thunk it.
The police will listen to you and enforce the common area rules if you get other people to complain with you.

Right now it just looks like you're the only one annoyed, but if they're as loud as you say they are, then the other people around you probably don't like them either.
MST3K-rules said:
Just to clarify things.

You really need to go talk to other neighbors in the area and see if they'll complain. If they do, then I don't see why these people can't be banned from the common areas or atleast be forced to comply with some curfew IN THE COMMON AREAS.

Apparently the people aren't complaining. I don't know if it doesn't bother them, if they join them, if they sleep like trees, or what...

The problem is there is no way to enforce those curfews. The police won't, and what else is there? They keep getting fined by the homeowners association but they just pay it and go right back, louder than ever
MST3K-rules said:
The police will listen to you and enforce the common area rules if you get other people to complain with you.

Right now it just looks like you're the only one annoyed, but if they're as loud as you say they are, then the other people around you probably don't like them either.

I know the guy above me has a problem with them. I dunno about the rest. It's hard to make people go out and complain, apparently it doesn't bother them much now. I don't know EXACTLY who is involved so it's hard for me to go door to door asking
setup a tape recorder inside your place and record said loud behavior @ whatever time they happen to be doing it at.

I'm guessing the cops are annoyed because they keep coming out and there isn't any proof. A recording of them saying "216 we're gonna kill you" or similar would probably be more than sufficient.
HuntR said:
setup a tape recorder inside your place and record said loud behavior @ whatever time they happen to be doing it at.

I'm guessing the cops are annoyed because they keep coming out and there isn't any proof. A recording of them saying "216 we're gonna kill you" or similar would probably be more than sufficient.

Well, they come out all the time and they don't consider it to be unreasonable volume. They seem to apply the noise ordinance to music rather than people talking/yelling (though that's not the law).
nope|tank said:
someone looka t post #28 and answer my question :)

nope|tank said:
someone looka t post #28 and answer my question :)

nope|tank said:
someone looka t post #28 and answer my question :)

nope|tank said:
someone looka t post #28 and answer my question :)

nope|tank said:
someone looka t post #28 and answer my question :)

nope|tank said:
someone looka t post #28 and answer my question :)

nope|tank said:
someone looka t post #28 and answer my question :)

nope|tank said:
someone looka t post #28 and answer my question :)
I would do that if I had the slightest clue of how to do it. I need someone to do it for me, I am horrible at graphics.