need arguments for contacts

The fitting will set you back a good couple hundred, most likely.. the contacts themselves range from around 30-100 dollars per box
a couple hundred wtf
btw on my rx is says that i am -2.00 and -1.75 what does that come out to in the 20/20 form
I've never had that. Worst I had was a shot in the eye from the air cannon while they look for that thing that pucks up the shape of your eyes. God, whats that called... its not cataracts, but it starts with a "c" I think... they used to test for it by numbing the eye and then poking it with needles... this is gonna drive me nuts.
1. There is no constant cleaning, your mom is living in the dark ages of contact lenses. With no-rub solution all you need to do is change the liquid in the case and leave them in overnight.

2. Putting them in is only difficult for most people for like a week. After that if it takes you more than 5 minutes you are probably mentally challenged in some way. Everybody has a differnet technique for putting them in, I like to spray a quick stream of solution on the open side, then hold both my eyelids open and put it on with my index finger like I'm tapping my eyeball (lightly).

3. They are much more convienent than glasses for sports and such, glasses are a pain in those situations.

4. They tend to keep allergens out of your eyes. All that gunk that usually lands on and irritates your eyes lands on the contact lens, which is why it's important to put them in the solution each night.

5. There are a variety of contacts out there now, including breathable ones that you can sleep in, and the usual colored and such.

You should watch out for a few things though... when they are in, you shouldn't feel them at all, if you do they are possibly a wrong size or type. I had a problem where I felt them, it felt like something was in my eye constantly (a kind of constrictive feeling) turned out it they were too small. If you have ghosting or double vision you need to tell them, if it's not fluid behind the lens the center portion (the actual lens part) is probably too small.

I had both these problems and learned that despite what they tell you, you shouldn't need more than an hour or so to adjust to them if they fit well. It turns out I have like huge eyes or something, the diameter of my contacts was like 14.4mm with the center of visibility like 8.3mm; which is wierd 'cause I'm a small dude.
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It's like 80-100 for a 6 month supply, depending what and where you get them. Glasses can be like 250 for the frame, that's 18 months worth of contacts, and if your prescription changes in that time or the glasses break you're gonna have to replace them anyway.
|Blitzkrieg| said:
Oh, and don't get contacts like these, they don't help your vision:


theyre prescription. i had the mansons too until they ripped.
Got soft ones, been more then a year since I put on my glasses.
And I got -7.

I started with the hard type but they suck beyond repair. I wouldn't want to be the guy that has them as only option. (which is quite possible) The hard ones you have to fit.
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B0B- said:
just recently got glasses, but would prefer contacts
my mom says that the constant cleaning of them outweighs the convenience of not having to wear glasses.


Get glasses that look cool and are very small. They can add to sexiness by leaps and bounds.

Contacts, fuck no. Cart that shit around with you wherever you go. Give me shit on my nose, much easier to manage.
Although soft contact lenses are more comfortable, hard contact lenses can slow down (or keep) your eyesight from getting much worse.