Need advice about paying off a credit card.

You know when you apply for a credit card, and somewhere among the millions of boxes you have to check to get the form completed? Well somewhere in there, there's a box which says "i'm waaaaayyyy too fucking stupid to own a credit card".

Yep, that's the box you shoulda checked.
So I am making more money monthly and have been saving up to pay a credit card. It's at about 9500 right now. This is the only debt I have left and some one was telling me to save and pay it off all at once. But I thought about it and I can pay about 4k now and rest later. I'm pretty sure it will lower my monthly payment. Or if any of you have another recommendation I'd like to know. So what do you think would be the best way? Thanks in advance for advice.

Why haven't you refinanced that debt at lower interest rate already? Do people seriously not understand how interest rates work?
Why haven't you refinanced that debt at lower interest rate already? Do people seriously not understand how interest rates work?

most people with debt problems got there because they think just making minimum payments is a good idea.

if you're using a credit card for anything other than racking up reward points, or dealing with an emergency, then you're doing it wrong.
Pay as much as you can towards it per month and just get rid of it. You are wasting money by delaying.
look i know alot of people learn on their first card how bad it is but unless you put a hospital bill on it or just had really bad luck and everything broke down on you having 9k on a credit card is insane. it sounds like you just need to learn how to manage your money live within your means. I had this issue too but once i figured out how to stop blowing money on stupid shit i been golden with CC's. They are nice in an emergency but you gotta have some willpower.

Whatever is the case for you just pay the max you can comfortably without putting yourself in a position where you will have to use the card to bail your self out again until payday every month. Whoever said get a bank loan to pay it off was right though if you have an issue with not spending on the card then get a loan pay it off and shred it and wait until you feel you can use it responsibly. Everyone has their Vice.. Learn from it.
i mean you got 9 grand
go to the fucking casino and double that shit
then pay off your bill today, and blow the other 9k on whatever the hell you want

Use more of the credit card and you can make even more money. We've filled in all the gaps for you.

cash/credit card
I'm now searching for a 0% for x months credit card to transfer the balance over after I make the 4k payment. Hopefully I will have the rest of the 5k paid off before Christmas. Thanks for everything guys!
uh pay it off as soon as possible and dont miss a payment

the fuck is this waiting and paying w/ a lump sum
Take out a personal loan to cover the cost of the outstanding balance on your credit card.

The personal loan will have a lower interest rate (usually) and often more equitable minimum monthly payments.

The interest is what kills people who rely on Credit Cards.

You can also call the bank that issued your card and ask for a better interest rate. Depending on your history, they may be willing to reduce the interest rate.