NCAA basketball bracket leaked


Veteran XX
Maybe not.

something is fucky:

- schlabach says wiretapped call of sean took place in 'spring 2017' which was after ayton signed his LOI. id guess youd like the $$ before you signed, just my take tho

- espn updated article to say 'spring of 2016' which was further updated to just say '2016'

- however, us attorney's office says wiretaps took place took place between june-sept 2017

hot rumor is that schlabach heard 'miller,' assumed that was 'sean miller,' whereas it was actually 'andy miller,' the guy who runs ASM Sports

and now you have espn 'personalities' eating their own:

Andy Sweeney @TheOnlySweeney

Forde on Sean Miller on @ESPN680 ... "There was nothing in the documents we reviewed that implicated Sean we have anything specifically in those documents that said Sean Miller was involved, no."

I’m rooting for Sean Miller in this one. Fuck ESPN. It would be great to see those assholes sweating bullets.

I am sure like all journalists who would rather be first than right will just go “We are very sorry to Sean Miller and the University of Arizona. Journalistic integrity is something we hold high regard at ESPN and will set up new policies going forward to help prevent another situation like this.

Then they will show some kid with some terminal illness scoring a goal in a shootout to try and sweep everything under the rug.