Nash is a jew

Doesn't change the fact that you are a dirty jew Nash.

They parked the van after the first plane hit, and wanted to document the event as thousands of New Yorkers did that day...
ABC News said:
(VO) On the morning of September 11th, Maria--who asked us not to use her last name--was home preparing for her day, when she got a call from a friend who lived upstairs in the same New Jersey high-rise.

MARIA: She was sitting when she heard a noise, at the same time she felt like it--it shook--like the building shook, she said. She called me immediately. She said, 'You know, there's--there's something wrong, look at your window by the twin towers.' So I grab my binoculars and I could see the towers from my window.
And this is where I, you know, I'm looking. I saw the smoke from the top, just from the top of the towers.

MILLER: (VO) After watching for a little while, something caught Maria's at-tention in the parking lot below her window.

MARIA: Like a few minutes must have gone on, and all of a sudden down there I see this van park. And I see three guys on top of the van, and I'm trying, you know, to look at the building but what caught my attention, they seemed to be taking a movie.
You bumped the thread.
You mad that you're probably a jew, and wrong about 911 and your foram abuse?
Nash is just jelly that jews have a way longer cultural history than his people, and because of this they are more respected than the hitlergerman upstart barbarians
I have an idea: let's everybody piss and moan about our volunteer admin, and make a self-fulfilling prophecy out of his vengeance.

Why is it insane to talk about how there was an Israeli crew filming in New York to "document the event" and how jew Larry Silverstein had just very recently insured the towers in case of terrorism and how he told people to "pull" the WTC7 tower? How is it insane to talk about the Project for New American Century headed by jews like Kristol, Perle and Wolfowitz talking about the need for a new "Pearl Harbor" to get the American public behind more regional wars in the Middle East for Israel's benefit?

Also why is it insane to point out that on the day before Rumsfeld announced 2.3 Trillion got lost.
