NASA Ares spacecraft possibly doomed to failure

extra development and redesign can (Can? Its NASA - "WILL") cost millions of dollars. its not like a beta version of firefox.
Because in the 60's the entire nation was geared towards getting men on the moon. Nowadays NASA's budget is a shadow of what it once was, none of their hardware is designed to do anything but go into low earth orbit and to the space station, and they don't have all the other backing they had then. We could easily be on Mars by now if the level of support they had in the 60's had continued.

If only the terrorists would race us to Mars.
This sucks because my cousin-in-law is one of the lead engineers on this project.
this is just really stupid

its not like this is their first go at rockets

if this is true its really the end for nasa, screwing up a launch vehicle and putting the US back 20 years in development isnt going to please many politicians
We need to encourage industry/tourism/capitalism in space and let private industry take the reigns for a while. Nothing drives innovation like the lure of cold hard cash. Hell, I bet Burt Rutan-types could put another team on the moon before 2015 given the right motivation and a "sure thing" investment strategy.
sorry but i dont really buy the story when the thing is 6 years away from launch.

vibration and drift are things that should be easily fixable. bump this thread in 4 years and we'll see where we stand.
this is just really stupid

its not like this is their first go at rockets

if this is true its really the end for nasa, screwing up a launch vehicle and putting the US back 20 years in development isnt going to please many politicians

How exactly would screwing up a vehicle that's been in development for 3 years set us back by 20 years?
We need to encourage industry/tourism/capitalism in space and let private industry take the reigns for a while. Nothing drives innovation like the lure of cold hard cash. Hell, I bet Burt Rutan-types could put another team on the moon before 2015 given the right motivation and a "sure thing" investment strategy.

I do agree that this might help the space industry a bit, particularly in the area of satellite launching. However, given how frequently spacecraft fail, I think there are going to be huge liability issues in the space tourism area. Sure they might have gone in acknowledging the risks, but very rich people tend to have very good lawyers.
sorry but i dont really buy the story when the thing is 6 years away from launch.

vibration and drift are things that should be easily fixable. bump this thread in 4 years and we'll see where we stand.

:lol: vibration isn't always something that can be easily fixed
:lol: vibration isn't always something that can be easily fixed

:lol: what do you do for a living buddy?

this is prelim design even fundamental design flaws can be fixed since its all on paper. i would say at this point any major issues can be fixed easily even if it requires a major redesign.