Name the person on TW that you think hates you the most.

whoever posted this on urbandictionary

1. buize
someone who jumps on every band wagon. he does almost anything to become more popular in tribes 2 and to gain more internet friends. by the way he sucks at T2 and he's been playing a while. Oh yeah, he poses to be asian but he's really indian. idiot groupie.
this guy just keeps kissing my ass! What a buize!
whoever posted this on urbandictionary

1. buize
someone who jumps on every band wagon. he does almost anything to become more popular in tribes 2 and to gain more internet friends. by the way he sucks at T2 and he's been playing a while. Oh yeah, he poses to be asian but he's really indian. idiot groupie.
this guy just keeps kissing my ass! What a buize!

Probably that Azn_Essence kid.
At the moment, I'd have to say Gigafool. He's been looking really douchey lately due to how hard he's been trying.
Can you guys take a timeout on 'douche' and 'creepy'? Every argument someone has to 'wipe the douche off' or can't believe 'how creepy' the other is...