My TV Suggestions (For what its worth)


Veteran XV
[Feedback]My TV Suggestions (For what its worth)

First of all, i have been playing the beta for awhile now and I thoroughly enjoy TV. I think it is a great game. However, i have always gathered that betas are for constructive cristicism, so i figured i would offer mine.

First of all, TV is definitely a brand new game, which I applaud, because I am all for adapting and learning new things, however, with the success of tribes and tribes 2 logic would denote that it is necessary to keep some of the qualities that made these games so popular and have such longevity.

Skiing: It takes some getting used to, but once you mess around with it for awhile it becomes very sufficient. However, I definitely think that it could be improved. Even though it works, the "Feel" of it just isn't right and it almost forces route skiing, because it is quite difficult to just go and ski without deadstops and drastic speed reductions. Some may think this is good but I don't like it because it forces one to spend hours pouring over maps looking for routes in order to be competetive. Also it makes it very very hard for quality light defense chasing to occur, because it is very difficult for LD to get up to speed quickly enough to match a capper with a route. As it is now, chasing CAN offur but the game is one and lost on the stands and in who can win the most flag standoffs.

Maps: Out of the 4 maps I have played...Cavern is fun, Emerald is fun, Isle is fun, and Winterlake is an utter pile of trash (no offense), besides being able to get a bomber. Maps this nonconducive to skiing just simply aren't fun, so i hope their aren't to many like it.

Weapons: First off the grappler is freaking awesome, however, as previously suggested a "disconnect" keybind would be a very good improvement.
more of a novelty weapon so far, def could be improved by tightening the initial spead of the rockets and by also tightening the turning radius.
Buckler: Very good weapon, requires alot of skill
I'm a heavy and I love the mortar as it is, however, for competetive purposes it should probably be toned down a tad because it is quite powerful

Vehicles: I'm a big fan of the vehicles (except for the pod, which just looks retarded lol). I think they are well balanced, because even though they are powerful, they are fairly easy to destroy.

Random Suggestions: I doubt this one will be listened to but I am going to say this anyways. PLEASE add repair kits. I really think that this option could make or break the game. Repair kits is something that t1 and t2 had that no other game has ever had and is one of the things that made these games so special. The ablitity to get a burst of health during battle is unmatched and I believe offers up a much widerer away of strategies. As it is now, there is zero room for screwing up. As a light if u take ski damage, or a random disc shot, you might as well kill yourself because there is no way u are capping that flag unless the other team is just flat out bad. Heavy is about the only armor that can afford to take some random damage and still be useful at the enemy base. The repair kit adds a whole new element to gaming.

Add a flag icon. The radar icons are very confusing (you have to chase the green flag, and defend the red flag) i often find myself chasing down my own capper lol. It is also very had to pick out the capper amongst 3 or 4 ld espcially from a distance. Now some of you may say, "This promotes skill blah, blah, blah." But the simple fact that adding a flag icon centers the gameplay around the flags and gives very good reference points on the map.

Get a better notification system, as it is now, it is very hard to notice the "imperial flag stolen" and such amongst all the games sounds, explosions, and action on screen. I'm talked to alot of people about this one and they agree something sound be changed also.

The Voicebind system needs a VAST improvement. As it is now, you have to continue to hold down the key which doesn't make much sense at all to me. Also the current binds aren't even that useful. About all binds are used for now is taunting. T1 and T2 had an excellent voice bind system which was often used and I don't think this should be deviated from.

Trails: This is personaly opinion, but many people share my opinion that all these trails are just to much. They add clutter and make the game look like a cartoon. Sometimes i feel like playing a game at a circus rather than trying to send a disc cutting through someones body. It is way to "happy" if that makes any sense.

-The flashing spawn screen that I'm sure has been brought up many times
-Many times when I spawn at the rover, I find myself getting stuck in the rover and I have to respawn myself
-Sometimes the vehicles are very jumpy and stagger all over the screen
-The flag tossing is very very buggy, the flag toss meter barely works at all. It should be more like the grenade toss meter where holding it down actually makes the flag toss far.
-Many times im getting flag whiffs, unless my body entirely passes through the pole itself, I will never get a grab. You might want to make the flag sphere a little larger.
-Rover flips very easy and sometimes explodes as soon as you drive it off the pad.

I really like this game and see lots of potential. These are just some areas that I saw for improvement.
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zapper770 said:

Most of the things you mention have already been discussed in various threads, there was no reason to make a new one. Also you failed to use the protocol in the sticky for making Beta posts.
I hate this kind of responding, well here goes.

zapper770 said:
Random Suggestions: I doubt this one will be listened to but I am going to say this anyways. PLEASE add repair kits. I really think that this option could make or break the game. Repair kits is something that t1 and t2 had that no other game has ever had and is one of the things that made these games so special. The ablitity to get a burst of health during battle is unmatched and I believe offers up a much widerer away of strategies. As it is now, there is zero room for screwing up. As a light if u take ski damage, or a random disc shot, you might as well kill yourself because there is no way u are capping that flag unless the other team is just flat out bad. Heavy is about the only armor that can afford to take some random damage and still be useful at the enemy base. The repair kit adds a whole new element to gaming.

This will not change in T:V. Also try capping in medium w/ repair pack, lights are too weak.

zapper770 said:
The Voicebind system needs a VAST improvement. As it is now, you have to continue to hold down the key which doesn't make much sense at all to me. Also the current binds aren't even that useful. About all binds are used for now is taunting. T1 and T2 had an excellent voice bind system which was often used and I don't think this should be deviated from.

In a recent post (by thrax) it was mentioned that they are going to change it so that if its bound to Shift, Ctrl, or Alt it will be hold and if its bound to a letter/number it will be press once to open menu.

zapper770 said:
Trails: This is personaly opinion, but many people share my opinion that all these trails are just to much. They add clutter and make the game look like a cartoon. Sometimes i feel like playing a game at a circus rather than trying to send a disc cutting through someones body. It is way to "happy" if that makes any sense.

Ben lee (the art director) likes them.

Sure they make it look a little cartoonish but that comes from teh UT engine, and they are much less clutterful (and nicer to FPS) than smoke.
Come on, dark and evil is soooo T2. T:V is set closer to the center of the universe, it would make sense that it looks more inhabited and less gloomy.

I do realise that i'm probably defending a lost cause but... meh!
We're always interested to hear feedback, but a lot of this has been discussed previously. Also, PLEASE try and use the protocols for posting beta stuff, especially if you want us designers to notice it amongst the clutter.

Some quick responses;
Skiing is stil being tuned. In fact we are already working on changing the physics slightly to fix some of the problems you've run in to.

We can't add a repair kit, that'd be a new feature. The repair pack does work well if you know how to use it effectively - have a try. The current pack also falls into line with the way all the packs currently work - we've tried to use a common system across them all i.e. passive and active effects.

There will be (at least) two announcer's voices, one male and one female and you'll be able to select which one you want. I don't have a problem personally with tracking what's going on with either of them, but I do find the female voice cuts through noise better than the male.

Thanks for your feedback :)
IrritAnt said:
I don't have a problem personally with tracking what's going on with either of them, but I do find the female voice cuts through noise better than the male.

Actually in military and possibly civilian/commercial aircraft, warning announcements (a.k.a. "Bingo") are in a female voice because the men flying respond better or listen better or something. Weird, eh?
RedHerring said:
Actually in military and possibly civilian/commercial aircraft, warning announcements (a.k.a. "Bingo") are in a female voice because the men flying respond better or listen better or something. Weird, eh?

I suspect it's actually that the higher-frequency sound cuts through bass noise better, and the human ear is better at detecting differences in high-frequency sounds as well.

Although when my girlfriend tells me to do something, I do it, and it's got nothing to do with the pitch of her voice ;)
I think the flag positions always being on the radar is bad enough. Adding flag icons would just be worse. Not knowing where the flag is is part of a strategy. And are we even suposed to be able to see everybody on the command map even if they're all the way at their base?
You mean you WANT to encourage people going really really really high in the pod and waiting for the flag to return?
IrritAnt said:
I suspect it's actually that the higher-frequency sound cuts through bass noise better, and the human ear is better at detecting differences in high-frequency sounds as well.

Although when my girlfriend tells me to do something, I do it, and it's got nothing to do with the pitch of her voice ;)

Who knows. But I think it would be better if Gilbert Godfrey started yelling BINGO BINGO. MUCH more effective and much more ANNOYING than a female voice. I'd sure as hell listen because I couldn't stand him talking another second.

Either him or The Nanny.
Sopo said:
You mean you WANT to encourage people going really really really high in the pod and waiting for the flag to return?

Except that you can't get in vehicles when you have the flag? So thats not possible?
I just think the flag icon is alot more useful than not having one. I've played both t1 and t2 extensively and the flag icon is alot more fun to me. Organizing your strategy around an exciting point in a map makes alot more sense to me rather than scurrying around searching for a flag capper. This is my personal opinion
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