my roommate blows his nose in the sink

my roommate smoked pot, did lsd, fucked strange girls, and had his dirty, hippy buddies camp out for months at a time on the couch. :chill:
but is he a gay chinese kid that doesnt speak english and never leaves the room? i win

edit: and he blows his nose in the sink.
that's common over in the indo-china area. Dudes do that all the time in the streets... it's probably less gross than blowing in a hankerchief and putting it in your pocket, though kleenex kinda did away with it. Still cultures powerful, be respectful of it. Ask him nicely and he'll probably use kleenex. Though you seem like a germ freak to actually care about this, you spit all that dirty shit out of your mouth into the sink, not to mention all the dirt you wash off your hands.
Faze said:
that's common over in the indo-china area. Dudes do that all the time in the streets... it's probably less gross than blowing in a hankerchief and putting it in your pocket, though kleenex kinda did away with it. Still cultures powerful, be respectful of it. Ask him nicely and he'll probably use kleenex. Though you seem like a germ freak to actually care about this, you spit all that dirty shit out of your mouth into the sink, not to mention all the dirt you wash off your hands.

omfg I'm never going over there. I lived with a Korean for two years I never saw him do that shit. But what if you were like walking down the street and some dude was walking by with his head down and didn't see you. Then the urge befell him and he shot a snot rocket and it landed on your shoe or something. What would you do? I think I'd stick his fucking head through a sewer grate.
Faze said:
that's common over in the indo-china area. Dudes do that all the time in the streets... it's probably less gross than blowing in a hankerchief and putting it in your pocket, though kleenex kinda did away with it. Still cultures powerful, be respectful of it. Ask him nicely and he'll probably use kleenex. Though you seem like a germ freak to actually care about this, you spit all that dirty shit out of your mouth into the sink, not to mention all the dirt you wash off your hands.

Is it common? I've lived in Hong Kong my whole life and two years in Bangkok. I've never seen it.... that's just gross.
What's so disgusting about someone blowing their nose in the sink? God damn you're a pussy.

I swear man, fucking fairies nowadays.
Duhck said:
but is he a gay chinese kid that doesnt speak english and never leaves the room? i win

edit: and he blows his nose in the sink.

I think the only faggot here is you for getting your panties all up in a bunch over nothing :lol:

God forbid he uses the sink to wash his face and clean his nose. What an inconsiderate prick. The sink's purpose is to look pretty and not be used.
I don't know where exactly it's common, I just know in India it is... which is why I wasn't suprised when he said his asian roommate does it. I obviously jumped the gun saying it was common in the whole region.
Monkey_b said:
I think the only faggot here is you for getting your panties all up in a bunch over nothing :lol:

God forbid he uses the sink to wash his face and clean his nose. What an inconsiderate prick. The sink's purpose is to look pretty and not be used.

duhk never explained exactly what he was doing? Are we talking about snot spray all over the place? Otherwise just a set a bottle of clorox spray next to the sink with about 5 boxes of kleenex and paper towels