My girlfriend won't let me smell her period blood

I wished it smelled like biscuits and butter, but I dont' see how you can be anywhere near your crotch and NOT smell it. The only one I've been with could be smelled a couple of feet away, and while it wasn't downright gagging it was certainly unpleasant. My description would have to be a mix of congealed blood and ground chuck that's raw and been sitting out on the counter entirely too long.
I swear my nose is really sensitive and I can pick up the smell of menstrating women...must be an instinctual trait left over from our knuckle walking days.
there's a reason all religions brand menstruating women as unclean
that shit is nasty as hell

They said that back when women didn't wash their pussy. The women I date are clean and smell wonderful down there. Once again, religion is outdated.
the smell is not nearly as bad as some of you guys are saying

maybe i just lucked out with non gross whores though i dunno
You know what your girl's vag smells like, you know what blood smells/tastes like. Just extrapolate from that. It's not like the two combine to make some crazy new smell.

It's just like a peanut butter and pickle sandwich. You think it's going to be this crazy new flavor, but it's just peanut butter and pickles. It tastes exactly like you think it would.
The answer is simple mstrike. It smells like blood. Nothing special, so amazing rancor, it just smells like regular old blood.

I can't believe you've never nailed her while she was raggin.
the smell is not nearly as bad as some of you guys are saying

maybe i just lucked out with non gross whores though i dunno

Not every man gets turned on by stale blood ya know? :lol:

No matter how clean the woman is, you can still get a whiff here and there. Some women bleed more than others, so that could play a role as well.

As for me, thats blow job week:D
If this seriously is going to smell just like blood like a lot of you guys are saying, I'm going to be pretty pissed. I was just excited to hear that my girlfriend's bloody twat and discharge smelled like my favorite food from KFC.
Thank you.