
Veteran XV
Hmm. The Joker was an abused guy who played tricks to get people to understand. His symbol was that of a ? and spent his time in asylums amongst the criminals. He was just trying to make a point. He wanted people to stop and ask themselves, "Why?" Why would anyone think of some disturbed guy with a bat fetish to be their savior? Well Christian Bale did play American Psycho, Batman, and a bunch of other roles of these dudes who got real buff in the gym all day and were kinda self-righteous. Spectacular acting. But it is sad that Heath Ledger passed away. The kind, gentler ones always do. Anyone who has to play such a dark role for the sake of theater and entertainment suffers. And for what?

I preferred his performance in Brokeback Mountain.

We are the universe incarnate, waking up to a new dawn, a fresh beginning.
Oh as the little children are stirred,
Those Who Should Not Be have heard;
from the murky depths they prowl,
Oh how I hear them howl!
Oh as the little children are stirred,
Those Who Should Not Be have heard;
from the murky depths they prowl,
Oh how I hear them howl!

Stirring a child with words is right
Unless the word's "Fuck!", then it's probably wrong
But if the child stirred up shit howing "Fuck!" in the night
I'll sing it/sign it in the singing/signing of a song