My Dog Dide


I go this dell chat lady going on a 15 minute rant about how her dogs were better than her ex-husband after saying this.

(P.S.) my dog did not dide, I just like to screw with Chat support people while I wait for my Case #'s :domotwak:

Ok TW your turn, get those evil Chat support people to go off on rants, raves, or long deep conversations!
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the best was when he got

and i gave a shoutout to fancy cat

who was at that moment taking a reverse dump

a few years back, we invaded the live chat customer support at rackspace

and i had a long convo with a dude named "kelly"

at one point in the convo i go

"I'd like to shout out to Fancy Cat, who is at this moment taking a reverse dump."
and kelly goes
"That must be one hell of a bar trick."