My 20yr old cat has just died.

Follow these steps:

1. Remove identification/collar if it has any.
2. Go on long walk, allow your cat to follow along with you.
3. Allow it to go outside at night.

If your cat is as stupid as 95% out there, it will go missing within a week. If it is part of that other 5%, it will live until it contracts cancer, or some other awful problem.
Man...20 years...that is a good life for a kitty, man. I know my kitty is getting up there in age now. I'm going to be pretty damn depressed when he goes...he's been through alot with me, including when I was recovering from a serious surgery accident that almost killed me.

I feel yah.
Cheers for the responses guys.

I reckon I should carry on getting wasted, this way I won't be able to think about it. :(
sorry man, my 6 year old cat was just diagnosed with renal lymphoma about a week ago so he'll only be around another 2-6 months, and that's WITH chemo :(

Cheer Up Story:

After my last cat dide @ 13 I was catless for a couple years. Then one day I went across the street to the park to find a food vendor for breakfast. At the entrance to the park was an orange vested city worker sitting on a concrete vehicle barrier with a small pet carrier on the ground next to her. Looking inside I see a small dirty grey ball of fur tucked in the corner.



She said she was waiting for Animal Control to come by and pick it up. I explained to the lady that my cat had passed on recently and asked if I could take the kitten. She picked up the carrier and handed it to me. Sweet!

Kitten turned out to be a Standard American Short Hair in pure white with pink ears, nose and toes.


She's a lot plumper and fuzzier now. :sunny:

A couple of weeks ago she fractured one of my ribs. We were playing around, whereby I'd walk across the apartment and she'd shoot out from some hidey-hole behind me and make a mock attack at my feet. I'd make a mock swipe back at her and she'd streak off across the room to another hidey-hole. Except one time she misjudged and shot out in front of me... right under my descending foot. Rather than splat her into the carpet I lost my balance and took the edge of a table right under my left lowest rib. Still hurts weeks later. :)
my cat was diagnosed with FIV almost a year ago. I hope she stay around longer longer. She's 9 years old right now. Her and my oldest cat are BFFs. So when one of them goes, I know they'll both go.

I also recently just had some little kitten appear at my house out of nowhere. Cute little siamese cat that somewhat got adopted by the squatters that live underneath the house. I couldn't take another cat so we had to give it away.

Damn these cats. Why do they have to be so loveable?