MW2 is such a shitty fucking game

I really miss UT/Quake style FPS's. This "real" shit for the birds.

I wouldn't really classify modern warfare 2 as realistic

i mean i frequently run around knifing people who have sub machine guns to death by lunging at them from 10 feet away and stabbing them once in the wrist
I wouldn't really classify modern warfare 2 as realistic

i mean i frequently run around knifing people who have sub machine guns to death by lunging at them from 10 feet away and stabbing them once in the wrist

I'm talking about the style. R6, Ghost Recon, MW, CoD, Medal of Honor, Battlefield all these recent FPS franchises all have "realistic" weapons and equipment.

I want my translocator, I want my Flak Cannon, Rocket Launcher. I miss double jumping a platform for the elevated position to spam rockets.

Instead, I have to crawl into bushes, lay in wait, only to get stabbed in the back because apparently every soldier nowadays has a sensor that detects gunshots.
nerdy loser

i dont mean generic and boring in that there are more interesting games to play

i dont really play games anymore(except street fighter with people)

all of my friends have tried in vain to get me to play cod4 and then this, but i cant play for 5 mins without wanting to turn it off :/
Would be nice if you explained yourself abit. Is it me or is tribalwar just turning into twitter with all these 1 liners?

I guess I can give you a list of reasons why I don't like it:
--Its glitchy and people have annoying hacks. Like that rust map that turns Ground War into a free for all clusterfuck. Not to mention all of the other glitches you can learn to exploit after a couple of minutes on youtube. That sweet teleport melee where a guy lunges from 10-15 feet away to rape your face is pretty frustrating.

--It's a camp friendly game. If you are a camper and thats all you like to do in games, then I am sure this game is awesome to you. Have you ever tried to play Search and Destroy? It turns into a noob tube campfest. Free for All? camp fest.

--I don't really like some of the weapon/perk combos. It promotes exploiting the game. This is just my opinion, mind you, but I feel like the game was suppose to mimmick modern warfare. Where in the hell do you ever see guys running around with double sawed off 18th century shot guns? (Ok, I get it..its a game it doesn't have to be realistic). I don't want to get into a realistic debate abotu a video game because its pointless. It just seems to me like some of these weapons and perk combos are out of place and would be better suited to Unreal Tournament or that orange box game that I cant recall atm.

So its not that its "unrealistic". Its a video game--its never going to be realistic. It just seems liek the developers got overly excited about making some of these perks and adding these weapons to the mix that they lost track of their "modern warfare" goal. Most of the weapons and a few of the perks make sense, but then some others make you go "huh?".

Some of the guns are unbalanced and the seemingly arbitrary order in which they are unlocked kind of annoys me.

--Dedicated servers  lol just kidding...fuck computer gamers ; ) 
I am going to avoid MW2 because of all the features that were removed from the PC version..

that an dmy compuer will nevr run it
The more there is to unlock, the longer people play. We're there no unlocks, this game would have a shelf life measured in months.
most of the glitches were patched, the new ones will be

some of you act like you've never played a game before. Hell, the first CoD had about 90x the glitches this game has. Almost all of Tribes was a fucking glitch

if i wanted to complain about MW2, it would probably be more about a short SP campaign and the perils of xbox live

seriously, i don't know if i've played a single night without some variation of the standard "black kid says nigger, white kid says something back, someone gets called a racist, the other asks where you live so he can come kick your ass, then someone calls someone else a faggot, then a comment is made about someone's mom and the bickering continues"
I'm talking about the style. R6, Ghost Recon, MW, CoD, Medal of Honor, Battlefield all these recent FPS franchises all have "realistic" weapons and equipment.

I want my translocator, I want my Flak Cannon, Rocket Launcher. I miss double jumping a platform for the elevated position to spam rockets.

Instead, I have to crawl into bushes, lay in wait, only to get stabbed in the back because apparently every soldier nowadays has a sensor that detects gunshots.

fuck yes. ive been saying this for years.
most of the glitches were patched, the new ones will be

some of you act like you've never played a game before. Hell, the first CoD had about 90x the glitches this game has. Almost all of Tribes was a fucking glitch

if i wanted to complain about MW2, it would probably be more about a short SP campaign and the perils of xbox live

seriously, i don't know if i've played a single night without some variation of the standard "black kid says nigger, white kid says something back, someone gets called a racist, the other asks where you live so he can come kick your ass, then someone calls someone else a faggot, then a comment is made about someone's mom and the bickering continues"

Most matches I play are quiet, or with friends (irl) which is nice.

The only type of game mode I play is domination though.

I haven't run into any bugs, yet.
Oh yea i forgot about xbox live shennanigans

Why can't you have private chat in some of the game types?? WTF is the reasoning behind that? Because they want to force you to listen to 12 year old boys act tough? My friends and I set up our own private chat everytime we start a map---by muting every other player and talking like they aren't there. I'm sure it sucks for the other guys but common! WTF kind of mutiplayer setup is that.
There isn't much better. I'm waiting for Bad Company 2,. but I'm sure it's more the same.

Yeah i skipped th MW2 on PC shit, If Dedi servers were there then yes i would of got it, BC2 is what i am waiting for as well.

Who still plays COD4 PC? Look me up on steam so we can pub
Cod 4 was the most fun i had outside of tribes in gaming.

There's probably a dozen reasons why you 'shouldn't' like mw2, but the thing that trumps all of that is.. that it's fun.

Yah, there's a bunch of noob friendly shit in the game.. yah.. the hacks are annoying and vac is on some 2 week delay on bans.. not having dedicated servers is a big fuck you to all of us.. but i like playing the game