[Music][TW Metalheads] Warmachine - The begining of the end.


Veteran XV
Has anyone here listened to them before? It's good classic metal... but new! It took me off guard and I'm really surprised by it.

If you like the old style of guitar metal (Iron Maiden, Megadeth, etc... ) then you'll probably like this. It was also co-produced by David Ellefson (ex megadeth bassist). You can "buy" the album from your local store. For me, its one of those times that after "buying" the album I actually want to get another, more substantial copy. I think Safe Haven is one of my fav songs... I can't stop listening to it.

Anyways I just wanted to see if anyone has checked them out. If you have listened to them, what do you think? And if you haven't then check them out.