MOVIE: The Conjuring


Veteran XV
Went to see this tonight, and I must say this is one great horror movie. Not gory in the slightest, just pure scare. There were people jumping and cringing all over the theater, and I will admit I jumped twice. :lol:

I would rank this right up there with my all time favorite horror movies...this one they got right.

Anyone else see it?
LOL...the theatre we were in was packed.

During one lull, and there are very few during this movie, a big black woman says: you better stay in the car child....and cracked us all up.
I saw an ad for this and the bit where the sheet comes off the clothes line is creepy as fuck.

Looks like a p cool movie to see with a chick, scary things make their pussy wet.
This movie definitely has that 70s horror movie feel, especially since it is set in that time period, early 70s. Without spoilers, I will say that the best preview scenes are actually in the movie. The sheet scene from the preview was very well done...

Like I said, very few lulls in this movie, and you can tell that they tried to get it right this time...and, in my opinion, they did. No overdone CG, the effects are really natural...simply put a very well done, and solidly scary movie.
Good movie, really enjoyed this one.

Not sure I liked the last 10 minutes though... built up to a nice crescendo... then blink and it was over.

Still, nice suspense in there.
I saw it and liked it. The plotting was perfect for this sort of film. The acting was mostly good, with the exception of some of the kids (to be expected). My main annoyances were due to directorial choices in using distracting amounts of camera movement and zooming. Just because you can afford a crane and a complicated dolly rig doesn't mean you should use them in like half the scenes. Though I will sing nothing but praises for the lack of shakycam. Also, not using that stupid filter that makes all daytime scenes look grayish-blue. It was nice to see daytime as daytime, and it enhanced the scares.

I'd give it a solid 8.5/10 and recommend it.
A lot of the scares have been done in previous movies, but the conjuring was done well. I enjoyed it and my gf thought it was super scary. She left finger nail marks in my arm.
I saw an ad for this and the bit where the sheet comes off the clothes line is creepy as fuck.

Looks like a p cool movie to see with a chick, scary things make their pussy wet.

nope, wore the hockey mask, had the grungy coveralls and everything.

she wanted to call the cops
Nothing in that whole cineplex could be as scary as you

you leave herpes on the seats

"The Endering"