More Changes To Star Wars Original Trilogy DVD Set (Director's Cut Special Edition?)

Reno said:
Wow thank you for that amazing revelation.

What do you know about Star Wars anyway, you're a trekkie for fuck's sake.

star wars in infinately more entertaining than star trek...

star trek blows.
Each has its merits.

Let's not turn this thread into a Trek vs Wars debate. Mm-kay?
BurninSnipa said:
i thought most of this was verified as fake?

I'm gonna have to call bullshit on the ROTJ ending "ghost" change. I have a screenshot I'm trying to upload, if TySoft will ever respond to my PMs.
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Data said:
More than you, apparently.
How do you claim to know more about SW? I know Lucas will likely never release the real movies, that doesn't mean I have to buy the shitty versions when I already have the laserdisc rips.
Changes like this...

02. The battle of Hoth is much more epic. We see the Imperial ships land on Hoth and release AT-ATs. The AT-ATs have been sped up a bit. There's a ground battle between the Rebel soldiers and stormtroopers featuring new ships and vehicles.

... I can take, but changes like this...

12. Sebastion Shaw who played Anakin when he was unmasked has been replaced with Hayden Christenson in make-up to make him look older. Anakin has much more dialogue. He apologizes for the destruction he caused, he thanks his son for turning him back to the light, he tells his son to rebuild the Jedi and he says he loves him and his sister. Just before he dies he says, "It is finished...".

... are fucking bullshit if true.

Jesus Christ, Lucas. Just release the old fucking movies and stop turning yourself and your films into a hack.
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Data said:

I'm gonna have to call bullshit on the ROTJ ending "ghost" change. I have a screenshot I'm trying to upload, if TySoft will ever respond to my PMs.
i can host something if you need it.... pm me in irc "burnin" (im in #tribalwar and #wolfpack) or IM me "burninsnipa" on aim
DemonKyoto said:
01. The Imperial March has been added to Darth Vader's first appearance on Princess Leia's ship.
02. When Obi-Wan is talking to Luke about his father Anakin's Theme plays in the background and then it turns into the Imperial March as he talks about Vader.

Do you have a quarter?

I'm calling bullshit.

This is beyond retarted, even for someone suposedly as idiotic as Lucas.
rofl @ that video.... next they are going to photochop Hayden's face when Vader has his mask removed....

edit: hahah oops didn't read the whole thing.

they ARE going to replace Vader with Hayden after the mask is removed.... awesome :lol:
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DemonKyoto said:
12. Sebastion Shaw who played Anakin when he was unmasked has been replaced with Hayden Christenson in make-up to make him look older. Anakin has much more dialogue. He apologizes for the destruction he caused, he thanks his son for turning him back to the light, he tells his son to rebuild the Jedi and he says he loves him and his sister. Just before he dies he says, "It is finished...".

DemonKyoto said:
We see an aged Jar Jar, who is now the leader of the Gungans, on Naboo celebrating with the people of Naboo and the Gungans.
What the fuck is wrong with Lucas? How, how can he put Jar Jar, so universally hated, in the old trilogy? YAARGH.
Quick! Let's make things that didnt need to be CG into CG to make it look MORE REALISTIC*!

*Not realistic at all
Data said:
:lol: I think you got that backwards there, buddy.

Nope, I love the claymation stuff, it looked fake but at least the colours didn't scream "Look at me I don't belong here!" like they do in the new movies, or any movies for that matter. If you just didn't pay attention to the jerky movements the claymation stuff just kind of blended into the background. I think CGI has a ways to go before it really becomes usefull, mainly I think they need to work on either making the colours blend in and look "grittier", or work on altering all the colours on film in an attempt to cover up those of the CGI a-la LOTR.
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