Mobile TW?

I would even be ok with it as long as I could read entire threads. If I need to reply or make a new thread, the ability to switch to the full site would be nice. It could definitely be a useful and quick way to check up on threads. It loaded really fast.
Yeah if they worked its kinks out it would be sweet. maybe its the way our rss feed is reporting or they need to update their stuff. we just need it colorized. lets steal their code and modify modify modify modify!
yeah i thought it was pretty sweet until i noticed the lack of functionality. if it can be fixed to work then it will be awesome.

I use the mobile forums on my non-iPhone phone all of the time and love them. Only thing I would ask get fixed is the ability to post. Then again sometimes I'm glad that the things I type don't actually get submitted...

I can read all pages of the posts though... not sure why the OP can't.