[MLB]Why do all these goons have those stupid necklaces?


Veteran X
It seems like it started with that queer Beckett. Now they're all over. Seems like 30% of the pitchers i see are wearing these stupid ass lanyard/rope necklace things. What the fuck?



Really? I mean I know baseball players are notoriously superstitious, but this is out of hand. They look gay as fuck, and they have the balls to wear em on national television?

Don't tell me you queers wear them too.
i wear them when i game. it rejuvenates my body from all the physical activity and stress that comes along with the sheer intensity of matches. i dont know what i'd do during a match if this thing didnt relieve the stiffness in my shoulders and neck. A+++ product that stabilizes my whole body.
there's no scientific evidence relating titanium to performance. they're a placebo.

with that said, i wear one.

It seems like it started with that queer Beckett. Now they're all over. Seems like 30% of the pitchers i see are wearing these stupid ass lanyard/rope necklace things. What the fuck?


Brett Brothers Ionic Necklace

Really? I mean I know baseball players are notoriously superstitious, but this is out of hand. They look gay as fuck, and they have the balls to wear em on national television?

Don't tell me you queers wear them too.

uh it didn't start with beckett
i dont really give a shit who it started with, the faggotry stands

and yes i know it's a placebo. that's the point. they do nothing but there are tons of these retards wearing them in their team colors. gay.
The only thing gayer than those necklaces is: Eggwart Q. Montgomery III.
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last weekend i've started to notice people in college football & nfl wearing these fucking things which seems to be a tad on the dangerous side
Reminds me of colloidal silver.

Somebody will do a study on these retarded "Phiten" necklaces and discover that they are highly carcinogenic or something. :lol:

They don't even spellcheck their web site... :picard:
Man, this just makes me want to come up with my own bullshit science product and sell it to a few celebrities/athletes so I can make MILLIONS.

See: ExtenZe