MLB Steroid Rumors? Who are the big two rumored names soon to be released?

yeah I really believe this "rumor".

Hey guys I know of 5 red sox players that have recently tested positive under teh current steroid policy but there names haven't been released. One will make you laugh one will make you cry one will uhhh make you want to go take a piss...
Darkstrand said:
yeah I really believe this "rumor".

Hey guys I know of 5 red sox players that have recently tested positive under teh current steroid policy but there names haven't been released. One will make you laugh one will make you cry one will uhhh make you want to go take a piss...

it's been all over sports radio
I'm just letting you know what I heard on the radio. I mean Kay and Gammons are both respected and have heard the leaked names. Johnny Baseball, steroid abuser.

Its probably Kevin 'Tom Brady of Baseball' Millar
Skibbi9 said:
So who are the two rumored to be recieving steroid suspensions shortly. Supposedly one AL on NL, one will shock you, one will disappoint you
Michael Kay was like he and gammons talked about it, but wouldn't say which players because he didn't want to be sued for possible Libel/defamation/w/e

whose heard names?

I hope its not pujols, d.lee or ortiz

I'm gonna guess clemenz, piazza, randy johnson, or some other HoF for the disappointing one.

Looks like you read SoSH too huh?

Same thread said the AL was a lock on HOF and the NL was close.

So we know it's not clemens. Rumors going around it's Arod for the AL, I hope not. Despite my angst for Arod I would hate to see that happen to him(well, kind of a catch 22, because I wouldn't hate to see it happen if he was guilty), plus it doesn't make sense. Manny, I would be EXTREMELY surprised, he, like Arod, have had potential their whole life and didn't need help.

Lock on the AL? Maybe Vlad? Sammy Sosa?

For the NL, takes away my guess at Nomar becuase I don't think at this point he is borderline. He had the potential to be an AS but I don't think so anymore. Quite a few possibilites for the NL...
[SES]BaNsHee said:

But I think it will be Sosa and Clemens.

is this a joke cause they are saying one nl and one al.

are our you guys uhhh...

Looks like you read SoSH too huh?

Same thread said the AL was a lock on HOF and the NL was close.

So we know it's not clemens. Rumors going around it's Arod for the AL, I hope not. Despite my angst for Arod I would hate to see that happen to him(well, kind of a catch 22, because I wouldn't hate to see it happen if he was guilty), plus it doesn't make sense. Manny, I would be EXTREMELY surprised, he, like Arod, have had potential their whole life and didn't need help.

Lock on the AL? Maybe Vlad? Sammy Sosa?

For the NL, takes away my guess at Nomar becuase I don't think at this point he is borderline. He had the potential to be an AS but I don't think so anymore. Quite a few possibilites for the NL...

how is that a catch 22?

a catch 22 is something like

if you are crazy tehn you don't have have to fly the mission but want to. If you are sane then you don't want to fly the mission but have to.
so when will they name names?

I really like clemens, so I hope it's not him

I wouldn't be surprised if it was Manny. I mean he is having an MVP year with a team who are defending world champs. Why did he want to be traded? I mean, maybe he knew he was going to test positive and wanted to be somewhere where less peopel are around, or if he was at a sucky team maybe they would pay less attention to the testing.
Darkstrand said:
is this a joke cause they are saying one nl and one al.

are our you guys uhhh...

how is that a catch 22?

a catch 22 is something like

if you are crazy tehn you don't have have to fly the mission but want to. If you are sane then you don't want to fly the mission but have to.

It's a catch 22 because I don't want to see him get caught because I think he's going to be one of the best players in the history of the sport.
But at the same time if he's doing it I do want him to get caught to not taint the sport further.

I don't want to see him punished for the good of the sport, but if he's a needle pusher and gets caught I want to see him punished, also for the good of the sport.

It's almost a mix between a Catch 22 and a non-question related ultimatum
Tribal Imperialist said:
I hope they are both Yankees.

Randy Johnson and Derek Jeter would make my day.
I wasn't aware they were in both the National and American league.

Vlasic said:
I wasn't aware they were in both the National and American league.


:lol: some sox fans huh?

How can you honestly sit there and call yourself a baseball fan and say you WANT it to happen to ANYBODY(besides bonds because he's a shithead and should rot in hell).

Jeter and Arod have helped do some amazing things for the sport. If you can't appreciate that, I don't want you as a fan on the same side as me.