[MLB] 2017 Playoffs

that moron who took the HR ball from the woman deserves a beating

also juiced balls

also holy fuckin strike zone batman. that ump was something else
my father used to umpire division 1 baseball then did a few years of MLB spring training in florida

the balls have changed so much over the last 30 years

they want more runs scored
Anyone see the Astro fan grab the Dodger HR from that lady and throw it back?


I used to think that it was ridiculous how people are suing people over anything and everything and how people are filing charges over the smallest stuff. Now, I'm not sure that it's so dumb, after all. What other recourse do people have in situations? There was a time when, if someone did something overly offensive, one could handle it with a punch or two to let the asshole know it was a mistake. That option no longer exists, unless someone wants to risk a criminal record, and, possibly, jail time.

That guy deserved to get his lip busted. But if that lady really wanted, she could probably file assault charges and sue him in small claims.
that moron who took the HR ball from the woman deserves a beating

also juiced balls

also holy fuckin strike zone batman. that ump was something else

Baseball said same balls only difference is a gold stamp.

That gold stamp, according to the pitchers, is slick and it is at fault