Miracle Fruit

yes, it was weird to eat something you normally know would be sour but have it taste sweet instead. would you like to know more? too bad cause that's all there is to it. FUCKIN STUPID
What a fucking world we live in. Hey guys, I got something here that makes sour things taste sweet, pay me! Did that lady call him Supreme Commander?
I have a few of the freeze-dried pill form. Haven't tried them yet. It's safe, it's just some weird protein that bonds with your sweet taste receptors and makes them respond to sour; they've considered using it in candies and stuff for diabetics.

I've heard tales of people taking them, then drinking/eating too much acidic crap and ending up with extremely sore throats the next day.
Synsepalum dulcificum. It works, but the novelty wears off fast. :shrug:

That said, I'd probably keep a plant or two around for the sugarless lemonade if I ever move to a place warm enough to grow them. They are pretty low maintenance plants as long as you don't live anywhere cold.

If you're really curious about it, there's enough tablet manufacturers around now that it shouldn't be too hard to find. Duration/strength of effect can vary drastically though, so you might end up feeling ripped off. The stronger stuff will make beers like Brooklyn Brewery's Black Chocolate Stout taste like a chocolate ice cream shake if that's your idea of a fun time.