Midnight releases


Veteran X
How important is it for you to have that game/book/movie/whatever the exact second it hits shelves?

The only times I've ever went to a midnight release was for Star Wars Episode 3 and when Burning Crusade came out, which was for my finance (as unbelievable as that sounds). I did have the misfortune to be working at a store last year for the Harry Potter release though.

What have you hung out in the cold for?
i just went to walmart cause it's next to sonic (the only place still open) just to see if they had GTA4, they did, so i bought it :shrug:

not really all that important to me unless it's something i REALLY want. ive been waiting for GTA4 for a while now though.
ive never done it.

my roommate went and waited for an hour tonight to get GTA4. he was nice enough to grab me a copy while he was there tho.
Also, to be more on topic. Typically I just order a game for instore pickup at Bestbuy or Circuit City the day it comes out.
I got the GameCube and PS2 at midnight. Also saw SW E1 at midnight.

It's not about getting the media ASAP, it's a social even. You go and talk about nerdome for 3-4 hrs with random people then go on your way.
I got the GameCube and PS2 at midnight. Also saw SW E1 at midnight.

It's not about getting the media ASAP, it's a social even. You go and talk about nerdome for 3-4 hrs with random people then go on your way.

This would be another reason for me not to go out at midnight for shit like this. Who would wish to be lumped in with the same group with millions of Reggs like people?
i want GTA4 so fucking badly.i would hit up a store at midnight if i had a friend or 2 to go with.but usually san jose stores have a mile long line for midnight releases

ya dude just drove by gamestop with a buddy on stevens creek fucking was about 500 people outside :( so he didnt get his copy... i did get mine however eariler today :)
I worked Halo and Madden 08 launches, and personally opted to go to GTA and Smash Bro's midnight launches.

i'm more likely to be awake and off work at midnight than I am during normal business hours.
I have also been at other midnight launches, not as a part of them, but just happened to walk in to buy something else.

The Gears of War launch by far had the most bad smelling, mouth breathing, uninteresting group I have witnessed.
i have never been that pathetic

never again, so-help-me-god

edit: jesus fucking christ how do you link a thread
