Midair Alpha Launching 26th March

as an imaginary billionaire, i am going to buy the tribes ip, darkstar engine, and hire DONNIE T (top manager ever) and CURT SCHILLING (second best manager ever) to organize a dev team for Starsiege: TRIBES - MTGA Edition

and i will use my imaginary billions to pay ppl 2 populate servers

buhlitz will be banned just for laffs
holy shit u guys wanna get triggered as fuck?

watch this video

also :lol: at the last map with slush constant vgv at the end
That guy has his mouse sensitivity way to high, I had to stop the video because every 10 seconds he was saying, "Maybe I just don't get it but..."

He did talk about the movement being weird with not holding the direction key while using jets. People that made the game are not listening to all the people that say that, the other thing a few of us where talking about in game yesterday was being spun around at the inventory stations being a bad idea. When people are mentioning these things replying with, "You should just adapt to it" is not the best way to deal with something when you see a bunch of new players saying that it doesn't feel right.
Yeah, with only 20 people online you get the people that probably been in alpha mixed in with people that have never played a tribes game before.
watsup jerry

you playing anything


Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots on the PS3!

And StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void campaign!

And I reinstalled Diablo 3. WOW!

I was playing a lot of DooM (2016) multiplayer... but I got burned out! It's a shame Quake Champions fuckin' sucks from a technical standpoint because I would play that otherwise.

I gave up on Overwatch. Fuck Blizzard for turning a shooter into a grind with their queue system.