[MFN] Cowbys at Eagles

you're supposed to cross the goal line before celebrating nig nog :rofl:

This is the most ridiculous game I've ever seen and it's only the second quarter.
lol i have jackson and mcnabb but i really want to see that overturned. he is already looking like oh fuck i'm an idiot.

if they don't have more angles than what they showed on tv though I don't see how they could overturn it.
that reminds of of a kid in grade school who emphatically spiked the ball on the 5 yard line, it was winter, but still.
doesnt matter it's at the goal line... which is pretty lame, but I guess that's the rules...
desean jackson did the same thing in the all american game a few years ago

front flip in the end zone but fumbled on the 1 inch line

hes a true thug from the streets
it was a live ball, dallas never picked it up, probably because they couldn't believe even a nigger would be that dumb.