[metal] listen to/buy my roommate's new album [Revocation]

music is solid and guitarwork is interesting

but the singer is meh

edit: dissolution ritual is particularly excellent
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this band is pretty amazing. dude is a solid as fuck guitar player. i liked their last album quite a bit.
Not bad, but they seem to be a bit unfocused in their sound. It feels like a mish-mash of different styles. A cheesy 80s thrash metal bit here, a djent/blast beat section here, a classical-inspired bit there. It's too all over the place and the different styles tend to be quite sectioned off from one another. It just doesn't flow. Like what the fuck is that at about 3:20 in The Watchers? Is that the sound guy playing a joke or did the band actually decide that sounded good? Plus I just can't get into the singing at all. But that's not really a comment on this particular singer. I just am not into the whole screamo thing.