Merry Christmas from Anni

nice ninja edit on the live with your folks. i stay with my dad. my parents are separated. he also served in the army for 30+ years. good dude.

what branch were you in?
I support myself completely. I have a brand new car. I spent $3K on a new bike last month. I've been around the world, served my country, and am financially stable. Do you really want to talk about real life dude?

LMFAO hours later man I was at work. Do you even have a job? You live with your folks right?

what diff does all that make when you're clearly still a miserable douche?
I'm sorry for making fun of you Rollo. I don't mind feeding you and your family with my taxes at all. Someday you'll be able to pay your own way and I'm willing to wait.
Furthermore, when you're thanking God for your Thanksgiving turkey go ahead and say "Thank you Lemon" as well. Being nice to people on the internet is much more important than making a living and providing for your family anyway. If you want me to buy your child something more than food just pm me your address and I'll send a KMart gift card.
If you were going to deflect, you could of just ignored my post instead of replying with two of your own... and for someone who likes to hate on known retards you sure like to babble on and on about things you know nothing about

speaking of real life, I'll post a copy of my CIB paperwork if you do yours :)
could have not could of

I never said I have a CIB but I'm sure you weren't just in the wrong place at the right time. Please describe the "action" you saw Rolo. Maybe I won't feel so bad about feeding your family.
right, the person with a cib is on trial by the pog without clearly have no clue how deployments went with that post

here's something more up your alley

let's compare our GT score on the ASVAB, if mine is higher, you can't ever grammar nazi anyone ever again, if yours is higher, I'll let rayn perma-ban me

and for the record I can walk you through finding a copy of your ERB showing the scores since I just spent 30 minutes figuring it out on AKO
this is weird but my gt was 125 I think

why are you mad for acting dumb on the internet

please describe your action rolo since you're so fixated on what you did and what I didn't

I've been out for a long time dude

and the correct term is pogue

pogs are those little things your generation traded
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and while you're replying explain why your family is on welfare with all your army training bro

is it ur ptsd
Last Activity: 12-29-2014 09:45 PM
Current Activity: Replying to Thread Merry Christmas from Anni

this is going to be good!

an 11B is going to explain his smarts!

high asvab but infantry!

did u get a ged bro
Last Activity: 12-29-2014 09:52 PM
Current Activity: Viewing Thread Merry Christmas from Anni

ur right rolo I am a pog

tell me how badass u were in iraqistan bro

how many bros did u lose
Cpt. Rolo commander of iraqistan holder of the CIB totally owneed all those iraqistanian motherfuckers with his smarts.
lol you're such a spaz
trying to tell someone the correct term and ninja edit, because again, you didn't know wtf you were talking about [fyi it's not pogue or pouge]

so in Lemon tactics 101, it's deflect as much as possible and put the spotlight on others
so I should bite and explain my ged, welfare, ptsd and 'action'

offer on the table for the GT score bet
when I was in the army a guy like u would have been my SAW gunner

stick dumbass out front so he doesn't kill anyone (on our side)

I bet u carried a SAW RoLo
except in the times of people actually serving their country, SAW gunners would go 3rd in 4-man fire teams

instead of melting down and making tehvul-level wikipedia retorts you could just accept that bet...if it was in fact 125 you'd even win!
RoLo was a SAW gunner

my gt was 125 and they adjusted that down in the last decade for retards like u to feel not so dumb

yes in a fire team the SAW would be 3rd on patrol but the team leader would advance him (it) forward when moving tactically

as a fire team leader I'd attempt to position the SAW on the edge of our formation providing cover for our more intelligent soldiers to advance
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