[Men] Shower-Pressure


Veteran X
Where can I find a nice Shower-Head with decent water pressure?

I dont need 20 million settings and the ability to make a Ham on Rye, It just needs to spray from all its fucking holes.

I like my shower with some Water Pressure, No sissy trickle bullshit.

I used to have a Waterpik NVFL-121GG, excuse the gay shape, its my penis shower.

just take apart your shower head, theres usually a little rubber grommet in there reducing flow, just yank that out and waste tons of water like me (at least I can wash the conditioner out of my hair)

i hate showering anywhere but home for this very reason
The water pressure depends on your main water line. Not the shower head. I recomend using a Delta shower head. They last. I was a plumber for 8 years till I retired so I know my shit. (pun intended)

edit: how do you get your water? City water, well water, ect.
just take apart your shower head, theres usually a little rubber grommet in there reducing flow, just yank that out and waste tons of water like me (at least I can wash the conditioner out of my hair)

i hate showering anywhere but home for this very reason

just take apart your shower head, theres usually a little rubber grommet in there reducing flow, just yank that out and waste tons of water like me (at least I can wash the conditioner out of my hair)

i hate showering anywhere but home for this very reason

Was contemplating this.

Allthough, my replacement shower head does not have a setting with all the holes being used.

It has settings. Thats fucking gay. What happend to a goddamn shower.
just take apart your shower head, theres usually a little rubber grommet in there reducing flow,

While true, many shower heads designed for low flow have smaller nozzles to make the low flow feel better. When the grommet is removed, it can feel like 100 water lasers cutting through you.

You best bet is to find old shower heads on ebay or garage sales, CLR them to clean them up, and then bask in the glory of swimming in a shower.

Or just drill out the nozzles somehow.
i use one of those gizmos with multiple settings

specifically the hard massage setting that is basically like a stream of water from a hose but stronger