Men ages 18 to 25 prefer watching eSports to traditional sports or TV shows.

I mean at this point if u don't believe u can get a scholarship or watch eSports on tv (if it's still around) with regularity in our lifetimes idk what to tell u
When I am playing a game and get stuck, I always jump on YouTube to watch what other players did to pass it.

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today I watched the ESL CSGO finals on twitch while the bears game was on

csgo was much more excite than football today
Can you guys start posting some awesome team-based first person shooter matches that are the latest and greatest of the last couple years? I'd like to see what's considered fun and competitive nowaday.
One of the significant issues I see with esports is that computer gaming is still evolving so rapidly, there's no real 'long term'..

One of the things that really sticks out about traditional sports is... tradition. There's that history there, the greats - the talk of who'd beat who, that classic finals series from nineteen dickety-two.

That can only happen because it's about a game that's been played forever. Even people who aren't baseball fans know Babe Ruth. Cricket and Tennis have The Ashes and Wimbledon. Football (soccer to many of us) has history and rivalries between clubs like Barcalona and Real Madrid, that goes through actual civil war, where people rallied around a football club as the only way to hold onto their culture.

Video games, being a commodity product that come and go, will have a really tough time holding on to that sort of longevity. When a game is basically unrecognisable and/or unplayed after even a decade, and everyone's moved on to the next thing - it's really hard to build up a tradition.
There are many alternate time lines that deviate from our own in probability based on distance.

John Titor came back from 2036 with very interesting things to say that make more sense to me with each passing year. He came back to grab an IBM computer for the DOD in order to keep some system running.

He said that by his time, MSM sports and entertainment was long gone and it had turned to invididual entertainments. Right now we are seeing an explosion of Youtube channels from individuals and ratings for NFL cable and satellite TV are dropping like a rock. I watch e-sports, have for a long time, allows you to interact directly with players and even game devs.

Other points of interest from John Titor, is by his time, the Millennials of our age were to blame for letting the world fall apart, and the elders were of high respect. It sounds like other things had happened also where civilization in the world was rebuilding itself around libraries, because that's where the knowledge was.

I forgot playing video games was illegal

Cuz that's the only way ur idiotic comparison makes any sense
you're saying anyone that makes money can't be embarrassed or ashamed as to how they made it.

theres a difference between someone that makes 1M as a doctor, a drug dealer and as a fat autist mashing a keyboard

its fine, you idolize neckbeard losers that stay home all day playing computer we all need to look up to someone lol
not surprised
esports offers a streaming platform that has allowed fans to directly engage with the players
certain players are getting more into social media, but nothing really compares to streaming and directly answering fans' questions.
'esports' is just a term attached to video games that are played at a top level of skill. I don't know why people believe some sort of correlation to professional sports needs to be argued.

Video games - They're fun to play. They're sometimes entertaining to watch. Some people are fortunate enough to be paid for either their skill or ability to entertain or inform.

I think Cancer makes a great point about engaging directly with the players. It's a completely different atmosphere of entertainment than you would otherwise experience from Books/TV/Movies/Sports/Performing Arts. When it comes to Twitch, I'm more likely to watch a specific streamer than a tournament/event.
i can see the need and desire for esports over regular sports now
