[MEGATHREAD] Modern Warfare 2

meh, I'm not gonna rig it, I think an emergency drop could work out ok

so none of you have done it legitly?

Can't you read... I DID.

I had no friend, I had no help, I killed a dude with a care package for a GW killcam.

Really, just timing is necissary.... If you drop two care packages on the same spot, and your team needs one kill to win. If someone starts to take the first package the 2nd one will kill them, it's just timing.
it seems that dwarfvader plays this shitty game way too much

i guess he needs something to waste time with since he crippled wife is too disabled to have sex.
The only person to ever actually make my ignore list... Congrats.

Not even a title Gon or Fraggle ever got. Mostly because they were funny, not pathetic.

I almost wonder if you have some kind of crush on me and would like to suck my dick, but we'll never know now.
I will do my best to be on tonight for while but I got 4 hours of sleep last night and im exhausted.

Off to my sons hockey practice!!
Can't you read... I DID.

I had no friend, I had no help, I killed a dude with a care package for a GW killcam.

Really, just timing is necissary.... If you drop two care packages on the same spot, and your team needs one kill to win. If someone starts to take the first package the 2nd one will kill them, it's just timing.

What game mode? I'm usually in ground wars, so getting last kills is tough enough, but I figured just saving up a bunch of packages and the emergency and running into enemy territory at the end would do it quick enough.

How many tries did it take?
And GW is for noobs, and nade spammers.

Go play some mTDM, random teams, TDM, and you can get that title you want.
actually I find it's less about nade spammers

normal tdm is too slow

and everything else has objectives that have nube tubers not even having to aim at u, but the bomb sites/dom points, etc

in ground wars things are quick enough that a good gun will outdo scrubbery easily and since it's not just dom, you don't have as many gay kits
and you're talking about where the noobs play eh

ok then

I'll try it for a while, see if I can do it. I've killed enough teammates with care packages, figured I could do it to the other team too.
Dude... Did you just call all console players in here noobs?

Come on dude, we're all PC people, fuck my wife is a vet++... Don't give me that console players are noobs bullshit, it's a weak argument and you know it. Not to mention you're posting in a thread were 90% of the people who post play the game on a console.

Playing COD on a PC does not make you any more or less leet than anyone else here. Esp. if you can't play any other game type than Ground War because of tube spam, I played earlier today with a bunch of TW people and we RAPED a game of Demolition, the entire other team was noobtubing and they couldn't do shit. Stop using that as an excuse.
with a bunch of TW people

you stack pubs on a console, of course you're noobs

since you can tolerate the low level of play on consoles, yes, you're noobs

I don't stack at all and win 70% of my games in 9v9

anyways, was just wondering if anyone had done that achievement and how they did it.. when the other guy said you had to rig it, I assumed when you said you did, you did that as well since most of you play with each other
lol, well I didn't come in here to be a dick, I know most of you guys play on the console, but like a bazillion 5 year olds have said 'he started it!'

and no, nothing on mw2 is at a high level, but it would have been nice if there were dedicated servers