[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

if i'm sub 90, then you're sub 50, kotz


According to the report, here are the number of times each president, since Reagan, has limited immigration to specific groups of people:

Ronald Reagan - Five times
George H. W Bush - One time
Bill Clinton - 12 times
George W. Bush - Six times
Barack Obama - 19 times

Not included in the CRS report is that Hillary Clinton's State Department, without a presidential action, suspended all refugee applications from Iraq for six months in 2011.

While one can disagree with the policy, it seems that Trump is well within his rights to issue this order.

Trump is protecting me #maga

I'm so scared of these immigrants

So many immigrant attack stopped
If you have the kind of heart disease or cancer that is fatal you will most likely die soon insurance or not. Americans think they are immortal.

We should be focused on preventable deaths such as auto accidents & crime related ones.

Trump is protecting me #maga

I'm so scared of these immigrants

So many immigrant attack stopped

Do you really think an Executive Order is all it would take to fix American's unhealthy lifestyle choices that are the leading cause of Heart Disease?

But I did watch that movie National Treasure, so I know that the President has a black book in the national archives that contains all of the super top-secret knowledge passed down through the generations from President to President... like the cure for Cancer.

And then President Trump said, Let there be no Cancer. And there was. And it was the greatest, wasn't it folks?
Given that Obama appointed the judge, graduated in the same year as him and visited Honolulu and was within minutes of the judge less than 48 hours before Judge Watson made a major ruling that blocked Trump’s travel ban, it doesn’t take a wild-eyed conspiracy theorist to insinuate that the two could have met.

fuck obama
I will pray for you havax I hope you don't meltdown when you discover that the Trump was a yuge fraud.

... The millennials today are blessed without having that specter of death over their heads. Well, except for the made up scare mongering going on right now.
How is today's made up scare mongering different than the 50's made up scare mongering?
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