[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

I was just thinking about how Alex Jones, it being an act or not, would probably actually kick the shit out of me. But while thinking about that I had the realization that it would be hilarious to see Trump in a fight. Trump would get the shit kicked out of him by literally any of his adversaries including Greta Thunberg and AOC because he’s a fat fuck loser with the coordination of a retard.
are you 8 years old?

did you also daydream about giant robots
I was just thinking about how Alex Jones, it being an act or not, would probably actually kick the shit out of me. But while thinking about that I had the realization that it would be hilarious to see Trump in a fight. Trump would get the shit kicked out of him by literally any of his adversaries including Greta Thunberg and AOC because he’s a fat fuck loser with the coordination of a retard.

TBF he did push the prime minister of Montenegro out of the way so his tummy would be front and center for the cameras.

are you 8 years old?

did you also daydream about giant robots

it would be nice if alex jones would go to the restroom in a mall and then a T rex would attack the mall and break through the wall of the restroom while alex jones was sitting on the toilet and then the t rex roars at him!
That’s not what happened and what happened was explained, several times now, on video and in print.

It’s almost as if when you want to believe something because you’re in a cult, you lose the ability to look at things logically. Such as an entire staff of evil conspirators forgetting that they were on camera despite being told, repeatedly, and seeing cameras all throughout the room.

Lol you can’t make this shit up

Keep holding on to that version of reality. Others are seeing it for what it is.

You claim that because someone "explains" it that whatever their explanation is must be believed. Says who? You? I watched the GA legislators meeting and many of them are surprised and want to investigate. GA SOS claims there was an independent monitor present but could not explain why all the observers and even the press went home. We were told a huge water line break had delayed things. That was an outright lie. Records show NO work order was ever filed to fix a break.

GA screwed up.

Since the common use of security cameras began, people caught on them have said "of course I knew it was there, that is why what you think you saw is not really what you saw. I knew the camera was there, so was (insert necessary lie to cover your dumb ass).

Once we get the signature audit...things will get clearer.
Melania has announced she's writing a memoir, and Twitter has begun offering title suggestions:

  • The Devil Wears MAGA
  • I Write Book
  • Horton Hears A Ho
  • The Price I Had Toupee
  • Buyers Remorse
  • He Was Rich So We Make Fuck
TBF he did push the prime minister of Montenegro out of the way so his tummy would be front and center for the cameras.


Because he's the President of the united fucking states. Nobody gives a shit about Montenegro.

Quick, no google, who's the prime minister of Montenegro?

Melania has announced she's writing a memoir, and Twitter has begun offering title suggestions:

  • The Devil Wears MAGA
  • I Write Book
  • Horton Hears A Ho
  • The Price I Had Toupee
  • Buyers Remorse
  • He Was Rich So We Make Fuck

Could probably also go with

  • My husband doesn't drink
  • No bruises on my face
  • Life without taking out restraining orders
  • He may not jog, but i've never spit blood when he came home
Melania has announced she's writing a memoir, and Twitter has begun offering title suggestions:

  • The Devil Wears MAGA
  • I Write Book
  • Horton Hears A Ho
  • The Price I Had Toupee
  • Buyers Remorse
  • He Was Rich So We Make Fuck

The Great Fatsby
The Sour Grapes of Wrath
The Idiot (Oops that title is already taken)
Les Miserables (oops again)
Lord of the Lies
His Cockdoesntwork Orange
Fear and Loathing in Washington DC
The Great Fatsby
The Sour Grapes of Wrath
The Idiot (Oops that title is already taken)
Les Miserables (oops again)
Lord of the Lies
His Cockdoesntwork Orange
Fear and Loathing in Washington DC

Imagine hating Trump so bad that you sit there for a while and make up these stupid fucking book titles :shrug:
That’s not what happened and what happened was explained, several times now, on video and in print.

It’s almost as if when you want to believe something because you’re in a cult, you lose the ability to look at things logically. Such as an entire staff of evil conspirators forgetting that they were on camera despite being told, repeatedly, and seeing cameras all throughout the room.

Lol you can’t make this shit up

None of them are aware of the cameras. The security feed wasn't setup to monitor the election process. It existed prior as part of the normal surveillance apparatus of Statefarm Arena. The senators in the hearing were unaware of the cameras existence, and the election officials who testified earlier to explain what they described as happening, admitted they had not seen the video stream until that moment.

An employee who works at the Statefarm Arena sent that video to the Trump lawyers. It would otherwise have remained unknown.

So yes, it is very likely none of them are aware of them being recorded the entire time.

Furthermore, you don't need an entire "team of conspirators", you just need someone with enough credibility and authority to lead a bunch of "useful idiots" into doing something under the guise of being righteous about it. It is entirely possible to conceive that when given the right conviction, people acting in groups will do wrong under the false pretense of being right. We see it all the time.

Any time, in many of these states, any one raised their hand to question or object to the process, we saw them intimidated, derided, obstructed and ejected from the process. That is powerful pressure to shut-up and just go along with it (or you're next). However, you don't need to do that when you've enlisted a bunch of naive people, who don't know better and convince them that they're doing "gods work".

Next is the observers... we were told that the Press and Observers were not ordered to leave, but they all just left of their own accord... which is false. They were clearly instructed to leave, because ballot counting had stopped. What? all of these people spontaneously decided they'd had enough for one night and left at the same time? Not only in Georgia... but in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan....

We were told that a Monitor remained behind to observe... which is stupid, because the law states that ballot counting must be done in view of both parties and the public... all of whom had left the building. And since we've established no one is aware of the CCTV camera, they don't count either. No counting should have resumed of any kind. In addition, the Monitor herself admitted she was only present some of the time and was unaware that she had to observer at all times (lolwut?) . She even states that she left an hour before the counting stopped again at 1am. That means, at the very minimum, not even the monitor was present to watch over the counting of ballots between 12am and 1am.

We were told that the ballots under the table were a totally normal thing, that there were stored there after being processed earlier in the day... ridiculous . That is a complete violation of the chain of custody which seems to be a recurring theme across the country. This is almost as stupid as arguing that a rental truck pulling up to the back of the TCF Center in Michigan is completely legit, because the tens of thousands of ballots being unloaded, were certified and processed in another building across town before being sent to the TCF Center for tallying... are you fucking kidding me? Unsecured, open boxes of ballots in the thousands being transported with ZERO chain of custody?

No. Fuck you. No. You don't store ballets under a table, while you count new boxes of ballets wheeled in throughout the day, and just leave them until you think you are all alone and no one is watching before pulling them out and stuffing them into the machine.

Then finally... the coincidence of the Republicans showing up at 1am, just as the counting stops again. After having been told that they started counting again, republicans raced back to Statefarm Arena and had to fight through security to get back into the room... just like a bank heist movie... 5 minutes after our team of "vote bandits" have vacated the scene and make their get-away at 12:55am... *poof* just in the nick of time, before the cops storm the bank to find it empty.
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