[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

:rofl: They're all being paid. Christ almighty. Thousands of people from all over the place. Democrats included. They're all being paid under the table by Trump.

Fucking kill yourself.

lol right? 5000+ people that signed affidavits are being paid and promised presidential pardons.

LMAO and we are the tinfoil hat guys
Saw that FoxNews on air even debunked the suitcase video from last night that you all were jizzing over. I’m sure you’re now ready to eat crow and change your mind regarding this whole “fraud” thing, right?

ShartShitter trusts FOX now (not that I trust they did anything he said).
Saw that FoxNews on air even debunked the suitcase video from last night that you all were jizzing over. I’m sure you’re now ready to eat crow and change your mind regarding this whole “fraud” thing, right?


check it:

feeling that people are like the left, who believe everything the media says, shows how little you understand your fellow American

look at how many of you chumps tuned in to msnbc rachel for 3 years of russia russia russia

:lol: jfc u cant make this shit up

So federal deciminialisation of weed has passed the house. The only chance it will have of seeing the light of day on the senate floor is if democrats win both seats in Georgia so Moscow Mitch can't block it.

Good luck Georgia.
its like the go to neorepublican insult take meds or falsely accuse of something

meanwhile in real life tehvul actually does need meds because he has aids

irresponsible slime ditched his kids to literally be an aids faggot on a neocon shithole forum
Soros got em good

Whos wants to talk shit and get seth riched this time?

oh shit, he might not have known anything at all, this might just be a message to Brian Kemp from the alphabet agencies or someone else saying oh no, that's tragic, good thing your daughter wasn't with him this time

sounds about right
Yesterday kemp started to crumble and said he would allow audit. Today his daughters boyfriend is Seth riched


and apparently it was in a fantastic fireball of 3 cars all on fire at the crash

that happens a lot
Trumps a cuck and will do nothing soros gets away with it again

Speak out and get seth riched

Soros is alao taking down thedonald it keeps crashing